Horoscope for April 2014 for Pisces

As Venus slides into your sign on the 5th you will find that your charm is enhanced. On the 11th someone you love and who loves you will make it clear you should be together. Take care that you are proactive and let them know what you want. If things are great, you may have found the love of your life.
Mars is moving around and causing trouble in your house of finances. Put money issues to bed and try to live a frugal life. There will be stability around the 24th and 25th when the Moon and Venus form a trine with Saturn. Judgments will be easy on you this month.
If you happen to find you are going to make extra money this month Pisces, don't spend it all in one place. Instead save it and keep it close to you. It wouldn't be easy around the 14th when Aries will urge you to forget your budget and spend, spend, spend. Try not to do permanent damage to your budget and credit rating this month.
Happy days are the 10th and 11th plus the 17th and 18th. You will be successful, happy and prosperous. On the other hand the 19th will be a great day but you will realize that good things do not last forever. On the 24th and 26th list down your priorities and determine what you want to do with your windfall. On the 29th and 30th take a mini-vacation and enjoy what is out there.
You will be challenged on the 1st and 2nd. Beware on the 3rd you spend absolutely nothing. On the 7th take time to say "hello" to those in your office or you will be labeled as unfriendly. On the 8th do not move from your chair all day! You just don't want to be seen. On the 15th take heart that the month is halfway done. On the 16th don't go out to dinner; you will break a tooth. On the 21st avoid coffee shops and on the 22nd make an appointment with your doctor for immunizations.
Horoscope for April 2014 for each zodiac sign
Horoscope for April 2014- → Horoscope for April 2014 for Aries
- → Horoscope for April 2014 for Taurus
- → Horoscope for April 2014 for Gemini
- → Horoscope for April 2014 for Cancer
- → Horoscope for April 2014 for Leo
- → Horoscope for April 2014 for Virgo
- → Horoscope for April 2014 for Libra
- → Horoscope for April 2014 for Scorpio
- → Horoscope for April 2014 for Sagittarius
- → Horoscope for April 2014 for Capricorn
- → Horoscope for April 2014 for Aquarius
- Horoscope for April 2014 for Pisces