Horoscope for October 2013 for Scorpio

You are so charismatic and charming form the 1st of October 2013 to the middle of the month. Venus transits through your sign of relationships and gives the spark that you need to take people under your wing. Enjoy the time with co-workers and your partner and give them your love, time and attention. On the 15th of October your social life will get a huge boost from Mars and Virgo playing in your house of family.
The Full Moon on October 18th in Aries and your house of finances brings a very strong work ethic into your soul. You will want to accomplish more than you have in the past nine months of the year. This energy jive will last for about six more months. Your job is not all-consuming, but it will be fulfilling and you will feel very successful.
Take time to watch the other drivers on the road Scorpio. There are accidents just waiting to happen during the first of October 2013. There will be high lunar energy clashing with the planets and disrupting alignments around the 7th and you may find that your beloved pets become ill. There will be high disagreements with family members and your children will bicker and argue more than every around the 6th.
Your rewarding days for October 2013 include the 7th and the 12th. These are day when you will finish work project and accomplish home repairs. On the 15th you will receive a nice paycheck and on the 16th you will find that you are even more blessed than usual. The 19th, 23rd, 25th and 26th are very rewarding and you can do no wrong in family or work affairs on these days. Take note when these days are so you can be prepared.
Days that are challenging include the 4th when pets become ill, the 6th when you become ill, and the 11th when your relationship partner finds it better to stay in bed than get up On the 13th things will gradually return to normal, but the weather will stop you from taking your normal stroll around the block. On the 24th you need to have a discussion with an employee who refuses to work and the 27th is not a day to go anywhere.
Horoscope for October 2013 for each zodiac sign
Horoscope for October 2013- → Horoscope for October 2013 for Aries
- → Horoscope for October 2013 for Taurus
- → Horoscope for October 2013 for Gemini
- → Horoscope for October 2013 for Cancer
- → Horoscope for October 2013 for Leo
- → Horoscope for October 2013 for Virgo
- → Horoscope for October 2013 for Libra
- Horoscope for October 2013 for Scorpio
- → Horoscope for October 2013 for Sagittarius
- → Horoscope for October 2013 for Capricorn
- → Horoscope for October 2013 for Aquarius
- → Horoscope for October 2013 for Pisces