Horoscope for November 2013 for Pisces

Horoscope for November 2013 Pisces Pisces November is always a very busy run round month. The November 3 New Moon and solar eclipse in Scorpio and your house of balance, brings emphasis on running around and doing errands. You will find that the time is great to go on a trip n visit family. Take you quick trip after the 10th and make sure that when Mercury resumes direct motion you will be safe. Stay in touch with those you love near and far and keep up your endless round of social activities.

You are the center of holiday parties Pisces and you will find that you are very wanted at social engagements. Venus advances in Capricorn and your house of friends and relationships on the 5th and continues through the month. You will make plans to host a party and make invitations for Thanksgiving. This might be expensive but you can do it. Keep a tight budget to ensure that everything is covered. You might have a nice new romance with a friend of a friend. However, if you are committed a special communication will happen between you and your love. Watch for this around the 20th of November.

The second time Uranus will clash with Pluto is on the 1st of November. You might feel these effects later in the months when a challenging incident reminds you that not every acquaintance, friend or sibling has your best interests at heart. Take care and be watchful, but don't be too surprised.

Have a great time on the 2nd of November. You will be able to purchase most of Thanksgiving dinner on this day. The 10th begins the long trek to finishing the basement and the 11th is very rewarding when you finish one wall of painting. Take the 12th is a great day to shop and the 15th is pay day. Yea! The 20th is wonderful for finding new friends and the 26th is awesome for just laying around. Use the 30th to finish all the assignments on your desk. You will do them wonderfully. Take this day to avoid crowds and finish Christmas shopping. Begin to decorate your house for the finale holiday of the year, finish and celebrate by turning on the Christmas lights. What a wonderful magical time of the year!

You will be challenged on the 1st and the 5th of November. Take public transportation on the 7th and avoid crowds on the 9th. The 11th is unlucky and challenging and you will find that you have a broken window in a bathroom. Oh well. The 19th is challenging when your bank account does not balance. The 21st finds you with a flat tire in the cold and snow and your cell phone without battery power. The 28ith is a wonderful day, but very challenging as you try to juggle friends and family and make sure everyone has enough turkey to eat and that the pumpkin pie goes around at least two times.

Horoscope for November 2013 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for November 2013