Horoscope for April 2013 for Virgo

Horoscope for April 2013 Virgo April 2013 is the month of knowledge, Virgo. With mars in Taurus you will want to take classes and learn from the 1st to the 12th. Reading is the top of the list and you might want to get a library card. You will also learn when talking to people and thinking about what is going on in your world. Spiritualty might also be increased during this time and do keep an interest in what other people are about.

Communication is a plus in all our relationships this month. From the 1st through the 12th of April 2013 you will want to share your thoughts and feelings with your partner and others in your family. Take time to talk about job and home related matters with coworkers. Talk about the job with your boss. These exchanges will provide new insight into your future.

On the 10th of April the New Moon in Aries will trigger a positive financial influence for you and your relationship partner. There may be gains of money near the 6th of April 2013 but don't let Mars influence your spending habits.

After the 24rth of April 2013 you will hear things that are just not true. The lunar eclipse gives you mind chatter that will send you into creative thinking and deep thoughts. You may not want to travel this time of the month; there will be delays. Take care when going on road trips since your vehicle could break down.

Your rewarding days are the 5th and 6th plus th 7th and 8th. Take care on the12th and14th and when the 17th rolls around go out and socialize. The 20th and 22nd are great days and the 29th is going to be your banner day.

On the 2nd and 9th plus the 16th and 19th learn to take care of your health and on the 21st and 23th make an appointment with the doctor. Use the 25th and 30th as days to chill out and relax.

On the 1st to the 4th you may feel rejected or excluded from a circle of friends. Your mind is keen, however and you know what is going on. Do not get lost in searches for answers that may never come to light. Look at your own intuition and lean on your hunches. Find solutions that will help get through your rejected and excluded phase.

Again mind chatter will be a problem from April 10th to the 13th. Now is the time to set logic aside and be more spontaneous. Let the love of our life carry you new heights of romance. You will feel unsettled this month, but you will be happy.

Beware of destabilizing a relationship on the 21st if you over share what is going on in our life. Beware and keep some things private.

Horoscope for April 2013 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for April 2013