Horoscope for April 2013 for Gemini

Horoscope for April 2013 Gemini Gemini April 2013 can be very romantic if you plan special moments, evenings trips and fun for two with your relationship partner. Venus advances into Taurus and your house of romance. Make time this moment to be alone with your love.

On the 10th of April the New Moon in Aries will find you wanting to be very social. You will be in touch with fiends and they will want to be with you. You might be asked to play a leadership role in a group this month. It may be at work or it can be in a volunteer cub.

You job is no longer the center of your life during this month, but it will be a very close second. You may have heavier workloads than you have ever ha before. Try not to let it become a stressful situation. On the 25th of April 2013 there is a Full moon/lunar eclipse in Scorpio. The days before and after this even will be frustrating for you and things will move very slow. You may want to liven up the pace a little.

Around the 20th of April you need to be aware of competition at work. There is someone trying to undermine your position and take credit for what you have done. Do not dwell on that person, take them in stride and consider the source. The end of the month will demand that you get plenty of rest or you will find yourself getting sick.

Have a great time in April 2013 on the 1st, 5th, and 8th. Take a trip on the 14th, 15th and come home on the 19th. Enjoy your life on the 24th and continue with your projects until the end of the month.

Beware that things could be a bit on the dicey side on the 2nd, 9th, and 16th of April. You might want to take precautions when crossing the street on the 21st, and avoid riding on a train on the 23rd. Take care on the 26th and particularly on the 30th that you do not make eye contact with strangers.

Gemini you are a great communicator and you get your words across very forcefully. April 2013 is a month to be gentler. Try not to get angry with your family members and avoid arguments at all costs during April. With your adaptable nature it would be well worth your while to take time to change duties at work. Request a change in venue from your supervisor and enjoy the time you have with friends.

Horoscope for April 2013 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for April 2013