Horoscope for June 2012 for Gemini

Horoscope for June 2012 Gemini Decan 1 (born May 21 to 31) - Love is the word for the month, Gemini, since Venus will park in your decan from June 15th to July 9th. Since Venus is retrograde, this means you will have the opportunity to take care of unfinished business with your partner and to solve any bad karma; if you're single, old friends and ex-lovers may reenter your life and you will discover something new and exciting about them. Venus will sextile Uranus on June 20th, so expect the (pleasant) unexpected will be the motto for the day, particularly regarding love and finances. The presence of Uranus triggers your long term transit for the year and you should find yourself craving for new experiences, new places and even new people. On June 27th, Venus turns direct, so for the remaining weeks, you'll be able to fully and truly express your feelings and affections. This urge to express your love may even become greater once Mercury enters your decan (June 26th-July 6t). Take this time to share precious moments with those around you.

Decan 2 (born June 1 to 11) - The frustrating and irritating square from Mars will continue to linger on your decan, at least up until June 13th, Gemini. The Lunar Eclipse on the 4th will produce an increased focus on relationships, especially those particular aspects that cause nervousness, frustration and anger. Any reason or source for conflict will become exposed and tempers will probably flare. Romantic relationships may even become even more complicated, since Venus will pass through your decan, in a retrograde position, until June 16th. It's an excellent time to deal with unfinished business in your relationships, but don't be surprised if things get quite hot between June 4th and 7th, because of the eclipse and because Venus will be squaring mars. Feelings and emotions will run deep (quite deep, in fact) and don't be surprised if you are faced with an irresistible attraction.

Decan 3 (born Jun 12 to 20) - Expect an extremely busy beginning of the month, Gemini, since Mercury will invade your decan from June 2nd to 7th. A clear mind, combined with awesome communications skills, will be on your side to provide you with some extra confidence. Mercury trines Saturn on June 3rd, activating your long term transit, which will certainly bring about inspiration and structured ideas. It's an excellent time to plan for the future, since plans will unfold smoothly. Mars also creates an aspect from June 13th to July 3rd, boosting your energy and your confidence. You must be careful though, since these feelings may easily escalate into aggressive behavior or an inflamed ego (particularly if you also consider the influence on the New Moon on June 19th). Men in your life could play a vital role and act as powerful allies, but make sure you don't head-butt with everyone around you. Competitiveness will fill the air, so make sure you also take time to compromise on some aspects and retreat if that's what it takes to secure victory.

Horoscope for June 2012 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for June 2012