Horoscope for January 6 2015
January 6th, talk is important but action is more important. Don't use your energy to state what you want to do. Get up and do it! Start physically taking care of issues to make them go away.

Aries, you are asked to be the team leader of a volunteer group you joined several years ago. Take the position! You will be able to meet people and advance your career.

Taurus be assertive and confident. You have planets moving through your house of image. Make changes in your appearance. Have the courage to lose weight and totally revamp who you are.

Feeling a little less grounded today than you did a few weeks ago? Purchase a gym membership and exercise as hard as you can. Keep breathing. Balance can be found in physical activity and meditation Gemini.

Cancer, see that person across the park? They are the one who will win your heart. Be the person you need to be to attract those who are like you. Partnerships and relationships thrive when both of you have the same values.

Spontaneity is important today Leo. Think on your feet. Find solutions to assignments on the spur of the moment. Spontaneous solutions are perfect for small chores.

Virgo, give people what they want in social situations, but keep it light. When you are put in a position to engage with others one-on-one today you will feel uncomfortable. Social gatherings will be less stressful if you are open and above board.

The Full Moon this month Libra will electrify your career. Searching for and finding a new position keeps you alive and active. Get your resume sharpened. Call an agency for help if you need.

Scorpio, create something wonderful today. You are at your intellectual and creative best today. Don't let down. Keep going until your energy is gone.

Talk to a sensitive sibling today Sagittarius. Keep your comments pleasant and agreeable. You are the one who can soothe the feelings that were hurt over the holidays.

Align your thoughts and actions today. Make no decisions or commit to any course of action. Postpone decisions to make changes until you have all the answers Capricorn.

Romance is passionate today Aquarius. Don's use your passion as a balm for hurt feelings. Talk out issues before you take actions. Live with sensitivity today.

Pisces take care of your finances today. Things you do are highly outmoded and do not work. Talk to a financial planner if you are unsure how to create a workable budget.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2015Horoscope for Yesterday January 5 2015
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 7 2015