Horoscope for January 31 2015
January 31st, overwork and stress cause tension headaches today. Start the day by picking and choosing those tasks that are easy to do. Finish chores quickly, reach out to help others, and rest when you are tired,

Aries, keep your self-control on high today. You will need all the self-control you can muster when some news comes into today. Don't get too emotional and by all means don't get angry.

Your best friend comes around today for some sympathy. Be kind and listen to them. You might want to give them advice, but what they want is a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on Taurus.

Depression, stress and frustration might force you to go on a spending spree Gemini. While this is fun, it is not prudent. Avoid spending so much by locking away your wallet. Call a good friend instead.

Cancer get exercise and throw your passion into creative issues. Don't leave the cleaning to someone else today. You know what needs to be done, so do it. Lending money today will be crazy.

Leo, intense communications with your love could bring out the best in your relationship. You have more love in your life than you thought possible. Your fears and insecurities are groundless. Give your love the benefit of the doubt.

Enjoy positive feelings that come to you today Virgo. Listen to others and smile when they say something positive. Don't let negative comments drive you underground. Things are really quite nice when you smile.

Libra, circumstances that are out of your control will get in the way of you having a prosperous day. Don't let these circumstances color your entire life. They are only a blip on the radar. Get over yourself and don't let negative happenings ruin what you have with someone.

Scorpio, go out to dinner tonight. Treat yourself to something special. Take a love with you and treat them, too. You will have a very interesting time.

When you are in a group of different people Sagittarius, you will have the opportunity to stop a fight or an argument. Use all your powers of persuasion, negotiation and kindness to defuse a situation.

Capricorn, it's best to leave when arguments between others get heated. Sneak out the back door and walk home. It will clear your head and you can think better when you don't listen to others and their problems.

Visitors are coming today Aquarius. You need to quickly pick up and spot clean. Although it is not the end of the world if your pad is not perfect, you will feel less nervous if it is picked up.

Pisces, difficulties abound in your family today. No one wants to help you with chores. They just want to sit and watch the television. Join them. Chores won't go away and you can do them tomorrow.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2015Horoscope for Yesterday January 30 2015