Horoscope for January 17 2015
January 17th, celebrate the small things in your life and show appreciation for everything that is done for you. You have a warm and generous spirit and need to share it with others.

Aries, don't be afraid to speak your mind today. If you are insulted call them out. Letting hard feelings fester inside will destroy your inner peace. Don't lose the respect of others by just taking it.

Be bold and assertive today Taurus. Find the truth in all answers to your questions. Letting others pull the wool over your eyes will leave you without answers, friends, and a home.

It's really okay to be wrong once in a while Gemini. Let your ego go and tell others what is going on. You will feel much better and the respect you gain will be unlimited.

Cancer if you insist that everything you do is right all the time you may lose your support team. You are fragile today so be more receptive and sensitive to others and their ways.

Leo, take the safest route today. Friends, planets and the universe is asking you to do something foolish. Keep your attitude in the happy realm today. You don't want to alienate yourself from people you rely on for support.

Keep a balance between old and new today. Be open to change and find a flexible way to go Virgo. Trying to stand firm may not be the best solution to your problems today.

Libra, your thinking is in sync with who are and what you know. Find strength in conversations and display your intelligence and enthusiasm. Be a detective today. No one can fool you into thinking wht they want you to think.

Scorpio, you have a great artistic bend today. Be creative when working on boring work projects. Add color and light to you reports. It might be funny, but it will be enlightening.

Take the challenge today Sagittarius to blend the new and old methods of working. They may seem incompatible at first but you can make them work together. Rewards will be coming your way for your efforts.

Stay away from the trap of just existing Capricorn. Dust off your thinking cap and get up and going. Others should not make decisions for you today. Take control of who you are and where you are going. Be sensitive when you are offering opinions.

Make long term investments today Aquarius. Where you put your money will determine your future. Prosperity is waiting for you, but you need to take action and beware of deception. Stay away from fast talkers who are trying to scam you.

Pisces, your brain is working overtime today and is extra sharp. You have a sense of purpose in what you do. Your nurturing instinct is high and self-esteem is dependent on you helping others.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2015Horoscope for Yesterday January 16 2015
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 18 2015