Horoscope for January 30 2015
January 30th emotions can take over thought if you let them. Guard your emotions and do not let them lead your life. Think before you act. Acting without thinking will get you in trouble today.

Aries, you have many psychic scenes running through your mind today. Warn your best friend about an accident that is going to happen. Give advice to your children concerning crossing the street. It will be important every ones knows the potential dangers.

Taurus, your love is showing interest in someone else today. This makes you sad and you wonder what you have done wrong. Don't make yourself crazy Taurus just find out the facts. You will find out it is totally innocent.

Invitations to more than once social event today will force you to make a choice that will not be comfortable for you. Take the invitation that will get you the most in your life. Be selfish Gemini.

Your group is having disagreements today Cancer. Emotion are high and everyone thinks their position is right. Stay out of it and be calm. It won't do you any good to answer back in anger.

Leo reach a personal goal today. Literally force yourself to reach that goals. Let nothing stand in your way but patient as things are worked out. Do not let go of the brass ring.

Virgo changes are taking place in your home life that could cause frustration and nervous energy. If you are moving or refinishing or even cleaning try to do a good job, stay out of everyone's way and keep your opinions to yourself.

Libra, waking up angry because of unclear dreams is no fun. Take a close look at what you are dreaming and analyze them. Understand that the source of your anger is not real. You need to get over it.

Awful news about money will prove groundless. Avoid being stressed out. Learn the facts before you get angry with others. It is not good to dwell on only one thing at a time Scorpio.

Deep concerns for feelings of others might have you giving more than time you have to others. It is important to listen and keep advice to yourself Sagittarius.

A letter arrives today that brings upsetting news. It concerns money and you are tired of taking the blame when money matters do not go smoothly. Circumstance are really beyond anyone's control. It will be set right in the next few days Capricorn.

Investigate and find out what needs to be done to pay a long lasting bill. It will take effort but you can do it Aquarius. Don't let bills linger on for too long; they will start to get heavy if you don't take care of them quickly.

Pisces, it is okay to leave some tasks for tomorrow. Watch out of heated discussions and angry arguments today. Stay out of the way and maybe just quietly shut your office door.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2015Horoscope for Yesterday January 29 2015
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 31 2015