Horoscope for January 15 2015
January 15th, resolutions and dreaming big is what January is all about. You will miss out on great family and friend times if you reach too far and fall off the wall. Change your attitude and keep your hopes in control. Happiness comes when you count your blessing.

Actions speak louder than words Aries. Talk about your emotions and feelings but show your love what you really mean. A small token will be perfect.

No time like the present Taurus. If you want to get to know someone just jump into a conversation before you start to shake. Be courageous and let the object of your affections know you want to get to know them better.

Gemini don't disappoint your workmates today. They are expecting so much from you today, but you can do it. Self-doubt will cause you to be better able to handle today.

Stop being resentful if your personal life is being neglected Cancer. Right now good intentions are your mantra. Do learn to balance your spiritual needs with your practical needs. You can help and serve others but have common sense.

You hate it when people keep important information away from you. Today is no different. You can handle the situation however by being positive and walking away from conflict Leo.

Lonely? Contact a friend from years ago and catch up on news. You will be invigorated and your friend will be enlivened. There is more going on in your life than meets the eye so stay aware Virgo.

Philosophical discussions with a co-worker will open your eyes to new thoughts, perspectives and ideas. Borrow from their experience and thank them by doing a good deed Libra.

Stay away from melodrama today Scorpio. The problems are being cause by your best friend so you might be pulled into the drama anyway. You have awesome listening skills so use them. Keep your thoughts to yourself.

Karma rewards actions that are positive. You may not feel it now, but if you put your personal satisfaction away for the good of someone else you will be rewarded 10x in the future Sagittarius.

Don't runoff on your own Capricorn. Self-reliance is wonderful but other people depend on you. Meet your obligations today even if you don't feel like it. Don't let frustration turn into anger.

Blaming others for the current situation you are in is never good for you or anyone else. Assume responsibility for your actions. This is the way to take control and make improvements to create a positive life Aquarius.

You are so excited to start that new home business today Pisces. You need to be busy every moment working on plans and setting up goals. Don't be nervous and do cultivate patience. It takes time to get a business off the ground.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2015Horoscope for Yesterday January 14 2015
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 16 2015