Horoscope for November 2 2013
November 2nd fears about the future and what will happen to your friends and family fill your thoughts today. You might want to pursue a new relationship today and opportunities to advance in your career are high on the list of priorities. Follow your heart and adjust to what you want to do. If you find that friends are judging you, then it is their problem and they do not have all the facts.

You may believe that when you do a presentation or an assignment you are being criticized by family and friends as well as co-workers. This might interfere with your natural ability to be a good presenter. As to relationships, follow your heart. If you friends do not agree with your relationship choices, they will adjust and become fast friends with your love. Don't let other's and their judgments cloud your reasoning or soften your abilities today Aries.

Taurus today money might be a point of contention in a relationship. It might be difficult to discuss money matters without emotional strain. You will need to make it work today and it might be a good idea to have a neutral party listening. You do need to learn to give and take. Acquire the art of compromise today Taurus.

Think for yourself today Gemini and don't let other opinions and ideas color what you know to be right. No one in your family or friends will understand why you make certain choices, but do follow your intuition. Friends will understand why you do what you do when everything is said and done. Keep faith in you.

Cancer, if you find that you are wearing a hole in the floor by pacing, stop. Let decisions fall where they may today. You cannot apply pressure to the situation at hand, so explore different options. If you put all your eggs in one basket, you might lose out. Plan for contingencies and make alterations as needed. Search for the right fit for you in career and relationships.

Do you remember the saying Leo, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions?" You want to prove that you are a supportive person, but if you take on obligations that you cannot do you will lose your reputation. Being burned out and low on energy is not great and today you might find that not being able to do everything will leave you with resentments. Do be supportive, but don't let things get out of hand.

When you finish assignments today Virgo, make sure that you are correct and precise in the finishing work. Don't send out sloppy work. Proofread all your documents and emails before you send them. If you have to make decisions today do look at the situation from all sides. You might find that long-term problems will come up if you are not careful today.

Libra all things do come to an end and that includes the good and the bad. You don't have to keep trying to keep things traditional or the "way they have always been." Change is unknown but it is adventure. Break out of the mold and grow in both your relationships and career choices.

Scorpio, try not to one-up someone in the workplace or in a social setting. If you concentrate on trying to have the last word or show that you are better than someone else, you will definitely fail. Put focus on what brings happiness to your life. Don't dwell on what makes you look good to others. They really don't care.

Sagittarius, keep your head in the clouds today. That is a bit of strange advice, but if you are dreaming and looking for ways to improve your life you will always have the ability to change and grow. What better way to spend life on earth than learning, growing and changing. Today you will have the opportunity to make great changes in your relationships. Watch and be wise.

Capricorn you will need to make more of an effort today to finish what you have started in both homework and career. You need to cultivate your independence, but you also need people around you. Keep a happy medium today. Try and mix more with people and get involved in causes that will enhance your life. Work with others when you can and do be kind about it.

Maintain you mental awareness today Aquarius. You need to grab the creative ideas that are flying around the room at work and understand what the project is all about. You will gain abundance today in the form of new friends and increased work in partnerships. You might just find that opportunities to make money are just around the corner. You do need to seek for ideas, however.

Pisces listening is one of our talents and gifts. You are lifted to a higher conscious level when you listen effectively. Take time out for you today and find something fun to do rather than working and predicting all the time. If you work too much or carry a heavy load, yours head just might burst.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for November 2013Horoscope for Yesterday November 1 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow November 3 2013