Horoscope for November 29 2013
November 29th if you find that an aggressive or obnoxious remarks throws you off your game today, just brush it off. Sometimes relatives that hang around the Thanksgiving holidays are just dead fish. In other words they smell and try to cause problems. Don't let this sour your attitude toward the holidays and being with family. Stay happy and keep your sense of humor.

Aries you tend to be a rather deep thinker. You will find that today there is great success coming through your work. You are on a day off, but kudos and prizes will be yours when you return the first part of December. Watch for a good message on your desktop email.

Taurus, your expenses have caught up to your income. They are even threatening to overtake what you earn. There is more than one way to balance your budget. Overtime might be a step, a new job will be great, or your own business is good. Try to find what motivates you to save more and spend less.

Gemini, check out your home environment today. There are storms brewing and you need to make sure all the windows are secure and the weather stripping on the doors do not need repair. Take care to ensure that the sidewalks are free from snow and ice and the garage door closes efficiently. Keep your furnace on 70 degrees to ensure that everyone is warm and cozy.

Cancer you will find that legal matters that have been plaguing you over the last year are done. It might be a collection dispute, but if you preserve and pay off your bills you will be free. You might find tht neighbors are not so nice when they clean off their driveways and throw snow on yours.

Leo document what you accomplish at work today. Keep your supervisor aware of what you are doing. There are those in your office who may try to take credit for your work. They have malicious intent; beware.

Virgo, keep everyone in your office honest today with a paper trail. There is a new employee at your work who wants to get to know you. You might find them very intriguing, but they will prove to be dangerous. Are they a plant? What a silly idea.

You ooze charm today Libra. Amply the charm and build good will by doing assignments that no one else wants to do. Make sure that you take care of chores at home that need to be done but no one wants to do. Prepare favorite meals at home in the evening and take the compliments in stride. Goodwill will come back to you in the future.

Scorpio, exercise your brain today. Take a foreign language course; enter an online forum that talks about current affairs. Do Scrabble with a friend. Do anything rather than vegging in front of the television. Football is awesome in small amounts. Maybe you are really taking a nap?

Sagittarius your social life is highlighted today. Organize a party for friends and family and make it a themed party. You will find that plans with coworkers will be very entertaining. Share stories with elderly relatives and find that they are highly intelligent. Use a professional to help with taxes and finish all the financial burdens you need to do before the end of the year.

Are you feeling a little tight today Capricorn? Did you eat too much turkey and pie at Thanksgiving? That means you need to get yourself to the gym as soon as you can and start working out. Do a little at a time and you will find that pounds soon melt away.

Aquarius if you want to find a new hobby this month, hurry! You can do whatever you want and it might be entertaining to find a hobby that you can make, use, and give away as gifts. Hobbies can be very inspiring. Look though the Net and find one that suits your personality.

Pisces nature is calling you to come out and play today. Go skiing or snowboarding. Sit by the fire in the lodge! Beauty is all around you in the form of fluffy white snow. Go out and make a snow angel. Have a fun time being spontaneous.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for November 2013Horoscope for Yesterday November 28 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow November 30 2013