Horoscope for November 27 2013
November 27th your intuition is correct about the new employees who have been assigned to your department. One is great and will work well with others, but the other is crazy. You might find that you ask for a transfer for one of them. Just be kind and help them out with teaching moments and lunch. Be patient and count to ten when you have to talk to them.

Aries if you find people who are trying to manipulate you with stories and lies, you might want to run away. Intrusive behavior might come from a friend who is using guilt trips and stories to compel you to take them under your wing. Be careful. It might be flattering but it could be exhausting.

Taurus you need to agree to working on a joint project at your work today. You will come up with new solutions for problems that will win you a promotion. This small victory can lead to high steps up the corporate ladder. Try building castles in the air to keep your feet on the ground. Be open minded about your relationship partner and talk to them with candor and openness.

Gemini, listen to the pastor as he talks about religion and spirituality today. You might learn something new. Don't argue and try to get your point across. You are not that learned in the scriptures. However, it will be awesome seeing spirituality in a different light. If the debate gets out of hand you might want to back off.

Feeling flirty today Cancer? Then you will have a great time at the office party. This is going to arouse jealousy from your love relationship partner. That is half the fun. If you go too far, however you will find that your partner is so annoyed he/she will embarrass you. Then pleasure is gone.

Leo, indulge in food and drink today. Get ready for Thanksgiving Day! If you are tempted to drink too much, you might want to have a designated driver at your disposal. Take care that you are intelligent and wise when you are trying to party.

Virgo someone in your love life today will want you to explain exactly how you feel and what you are doing. They feel that you are so hard to understand and you choose unwisely. Don't fall into the trap they are setting. Just say less than you need to and watch what happens. If they are seeking freedom, give it to them.

Libra today is the best day to offer reassurances that you care for a love relationship as much as you ever have. But it is getting a bit tiring to always reassure your partner that you are caring and trusting. You trust them, but it is very exhausting to enable them. You might want room to breathe; tell them.

Scorpio you have found that negative energy is sticking to you today. You need to take a peaceful retreat but you just cannot. You will find that tomorrow is one of the most hectic days so far. Take care when speaking to long lost relatives and don't remind them of mistakes they make in the past. Find a place in your mind or home that energizes you and makes it a regular place to visit.

Sagittarius you might just get the downtime you have been carving today. Work will not be hectic and there are few demands on you today. Everyone is winding down for the Thanksgiving holiday and now it is time to thaw the turkey, make the stuffing, and chill the salads. Get ready for a great party tomorrow and enjoy the quiet tonight.

Capricorn a very self-assured feeling surrounds you today. You have gained just the right amount of confidence to feel good about what you can do. This is the perfect day to bring up your need for a raise. Hopefully this will be met with enthusiasm and agreement. If not, try again just before Christmas.

Aquarius you might want to just get out of a relationship today. You have no idea why, but you are no longer in love. Delve into your feelings today and find a reason. You might not really want to leave, just take a break. Think it through and get professional advice.

Pisces strive for clarity today and take care that you know exactly what you are after. You know that withdrawals are going out, but you don't know why. Maybe someone is going to purchase you a present? Make sure you have enough to pay bills.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for November 2013Horoscope for Yesterday November 26 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow November 28 2013