Horoscope for November 1 2013
November 1st are you resentful of someone else or the situation you find yourself in? Resentment can be dangerous to your mind. If you resent where you are or who you are or who you are with you will find that your judgment is clouded. Do determine that you enjoy your career, your family and your love. Don't resent the fact that these objects can put a damper on personal freedom. After all, what is real freedom? It is following rules and allowing love to enter your heart and life.

Aries this is a day when you need to compromise. You will compromise with your family and love and with your career. Make compromises for those around you and find that they will also make compromises for you. Don't equate compromise with lack of freedom. If you work with others today you will find that your day is full of promise.

Do the very best you can do in your career Taurus. You don't think that your best is good enough today, but it can be. Listen to the advice of upper management, learn your lessons well, and just keep trying. A higher authority who watches over us believes in you today Taurus and knows you are trying. That is all you can do.

You pray for help and guidance and expect some little miracle to just drop in your lap. Nice theory, but it never happens that way Gemini. You need to ask for help and then to go out and help yourself. This means sending out resumes and following up with a phone call. Or finishing an assignment at work and asking for more projects. You can become farther ahead in your life by doing for yourself instead of asking for others to do it for you. Make sense?

Cancer, have you ever thought of yourself as a spider spinning a web? If you tell stories that are not totally true today you will find that you are spinning a web that will eventually smother you. Keep communications honest. If you have a problem let your partner know; they will help you. There is nothing worse than lying about a situation and then forgetting what you said!

It is sometimes harder to face the total truth than to just live a part of it Leo. When you tell the truth things are never complicated. Life is confusing and issues a problematic, but if you try and justify your actions today Leo, you might just find that you "stories" come back to haunt you in the very near future.

Don't build your life on "buts and maybes" today Virgo. If you have explanations that contain many twists and turns you may find that you will be overlooked as one who is not honest or can't be trusted. Do take care that when you finish assignments you remember all the little details. Even forgetting one detail and trying to cover it up will cause problems. You might even find yourself out of a job.

Libra, there is a saying "garbage in, garbage out." A bit on the confusing side unless you think about what you put into your mind today. If you find that you are thinking about that horror movie you watched last night and it is keeping you from working, you need to employee meditation tactics to get rid of the mind chatter. The same goes for thoughts about coworkers. If you think poorly about someone, you will find that dislike reflects in your demeanor when you talk to them. Make sure if you have a problem with someone you analyze and fix that problem.

Scorpio today you need to make less of a negative situation. You can do this by not giving it so much of your attention and working at getting rid of the problem. You need to stop analyzing problems today and looking at them from all sides. You will only find more problems if you continue to obsess over what is wrong.

Sagittarius if you repeat a lie over and over again, it becomes your truth. There are areas of your life you wish were different and you tend to play out the game that things are how you want them to be. If you say it enough the lie will become your truth. Stop fantasizing. Learn what truth is today.

Capricorn if you protest too much about situations, you are really showing your guilt. Continuing denying, arguing, and getting angry when someone calls you out on a situation, does prove you guilt. Do know that a denial proves an admission. Being caught in a half-truth will cause you to be angry today.

Take a risk today Aquarius! But ensure yourself that there is no danger. You have the sense of what needs to be done, but you want to do this assignment in a very different way. What a rush to have a risky feeling! Have the satisfaction in knowing that there is not real risk, and the project will end up the same no matter how you finish it.

Pisces there are things that should never be said n pubic. Accept these limitations today to ensure that your private thoughts are censored. Don't give out that you dislike someone in your office or you are having problems with the neighbor. Let them ride for a time until you can take them out and analyze, fix, and release them.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for November 2013Horoscope for Tomorrow November 2 2013