Horoscope for November 24 2013
November 24th find that you have extra time today? Make a fantastic breakfast for you family and enjoy time with your pets. Lounge in bed with a love for a few minutes and then jump up and get ready for the day. Relaxing for just a minute or two will bring back perspective into you day and into your life. Do take this time to be happy.

Aries if you are having a hard time focusing today you might be better if you get up and move. Take a walk around the office building and maybe go outside and let the cold air blow through your hair. You have too many wild ideas chattering around in your head and you need to get rid of them. Take a deep breath, come back inside and start to work again.

If you have a friend that is too busy to spend time with you, then you might want to take them to dinner tonight. They want to be around you, but November is a very busy month. You can't take your customary bike ride during November, so you might want to be a mall-walker or go the local inside track. You don't have to give up on exercise even if the weather is nasty Taurus.

Jump up and feel lucky to alive today. Share what you have with those around you. Compliment a stranger and a coworker. Let your friends and family know how much you love and value them. If you have been dating someone, you might want to take them to lunch. You can also take your relationship love to lunch with you. It is all good Gemini.

Cancer if you are trying to repair a relationship but it isn't working, you might want to analyze what you are doing. Call a friend over who will help you. Take advantage of the company of good friends and create a live long bond. Grab some beer and finish a home project you are dreading.

Leo do you enjoy being the one in your family who is causing all the hurt and problems? You must since you keep doing it. You may find that it is almost over for you in your family. They are just about to let you sink on your own and not bail you out. What is gratefulness? Maybe being kind and normal?

Virgo your mind is clear today, but you will find that thoughts cloud up this afternoon. Don't worry; you will be able to think through these thoughts. Try mediating to a cool song and listening to a sound track with birds and water flowing? Might be good for a few minutes of relaxation.

Libra you are very reassuring and have a strong and steady demeanor around you. Your coworkers look to you for guidance and help. Upper management has their eye on you and in a very good way. You might just be up for the next promotion. Clean out the snow from your walkway when you get home; you don't want anyone slipping and falling.

If you say something to a coworker that you regret Scorpio you might need to immediately apologize. Supportive work is the best environment for progression. Make sure that this evening you have time for your partner and a good comedy on television. Pop corn and relax with a cup of hot chocolate.

It seems as if work is almost out entire life Sagittarius and today is no exception. You must organize and keep your soul calm today as you go to conferences and meetings. Take a break when you can. If you need vitamins, go to the commissary and find the best combination for energy you can find. Talk to co-workers and go home early for relaxation.

Yoga is just the perfect ticket to relax and get flexible Capricorn. Yoga can be invigorating both physically and mentally. It teaches you how to meditate and how to adapt to changing situations. Today you will have an impromptu meeting with upper management. You might not want to go! However, it will be okay. There are changes in the wind today.

Aquarius if you are dreaming of the spring marathons today, you will need to prepare right now. Go to the gym and exe4cise, eat the right types of foods and engage a personal trainer. If you are serious about running you cannot let down today or any day. Start training even in November.

Pisces if you woke up grouch today you might need to just stay away from those you love. There is no need to express your moods to them. Be creative and wear something edgy. You might find that if you change up who you are today you will get good marks for trying to be happy.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for November 2013Horoscope for Yesterday November 23 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow November 25 2013