Horoscope for October 2 2013
October 2nd it is still a bit warm outside and longing to go to the mountains to a cabin is clearly a goal that you need to fulfill. The leaves are finishing up their colorful song, the breeze is brisk, and hiking through the hills is perfect today. Do it quickly before the skies brings snow and the wind blows constantly from the north. Snuggle by a fire. October is the perfect month to stay cuddled

If you are feeling inspired today Aries, start writing in a journal. Writing brings out awesome ideas and can actually provide advice and help for those who read your journal. Be candid. Call you very best friend and invite them over for cocoa and marshmallows this morning. Use this day as a renewal day.

Legs feeling heavy and achy today Taurus? There are herbs that can help improve circulation. Try and walk round the block. Sometime exercise is good for what ails you. Take care that you are cautious in social relationships. People might just try to get your over to their side today. This is for their own goals and will not be good for you.

Huge family responsibilities are bother you today Gemini. Take care. This is a phase that will soon leave. If you are single, this is a perfect time to find a relationship partner. Snuggling in October, how romantic! If you are in a committed relationship you can snuggle, too, in front of a movie or the fireplace. Control your nervous systems by eating dairy products but leave out the meat.

Have faith in yourself and those around you. Situations that you cannot control tease your soul. Find meditation mean to reduce the sadness and the heartache in your life. Your child that is giving you a terrible time will someday come around to be a productive person. Take heart Cancer.

Leo you might need to make a choice between audacious undertakings and risk or keep security in the front of your mind. There is duplicity in the atmosphere today. Watch your friendships, your relationship partner, and your workmates. Listen to them so you are not placed in a compromising situation. Get plenty of natural sleep tonight. You do not need to take sleeping pills to get deep sleep.

Balance all the things in our life today Virgo. Have a good sense of humor, relax and eat a well-balanced diet. Religious feelings may wake up your soul today. Don't be skeptical about the world and its survival. Please surround yourself with loved ones. Keep warm and cozy near a fire. Be pleasant to those around your today Virgo.

Inconveniences and misunderstandings are prevalent today Libra. Find tolerance and understanding for your love partner. If you have a huge home project, you will get it finished it you work hard today. Make it a point to finish all assignments today and do them to the best of your ability. Rewards will then follow.

This is the perfect day for exchanges and conversations with other people. The gift of conversations will be high in your personality and you will be able to get to the bottom of issues and situations. Try and stay away from sensitive and emotion issues today Scorpio. Sensitive issues will cause you pain and hurt today Scorpio.

Disturbances that split you apart as a couple come into your day Sagittarius. Be tolerant and understanding with your love partner as well as with your family. You might finish a home project today and do give credit to those who gave you a hand in finishing the work. Discussions with friends might just turn stormy today if you are closed minded and don't listen. Successes will be yours today, however, if you watch for the little body language tips that give conversations away.

Capricorn, go and visit your parents today. If you do not have living parents go visit a friend who is older and wise than you. This might help in the balance of your life. The miracle of love can be a great experience if you open yourself up Capricorn. Appreciate the things that you have and do not whine about what is lacking in your life.

Aquarius, be frank today when you discuss issues with your supervisor. This is your year-end review and your bonus hinges on what you say and how you act. You are a very hard worker and this is being recognized. Don't despair or been nervous, you are okay.

Pisces the atmosphere in your home is very agitated and you need to be very cautious about what you say. Conflicts with your spouse on authority can be a high tense and exhausting issue. This day, though is a favorable day for putting past relationships and friendships behind you and moving on to a new circle of friends. Do pull yourself together and get work issues finished. You can do it.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for October 2013Horoscope for Yesterday October 1 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow October 3 2013