Horoscope for October 20 2013
October 20th Temper might be a bit short in mid October. The real issue is not what it appears to be. You are dredging up old wounds that are still very raw. Your spouse is not helping you out and does not treat you all that well. You need to become a kinder and gentler person and listen to what is said. Make sure that you stop disrespecting each other.

Aries watch your finances today. The end of the year will not be fun if you are deep in debt. Take advantage of the inexpensive produce that is available and start cutting out unnecessary expenditures.

Your relationship with your significant other is stale today Taurus. It is so very dull and uninspiring. You may be in a rut. If you still love them, do something awesome. Bring back some excitement in your life. Let your children go to a babysitter and get close for the next couple of hours. Enjoy what you once had.

Gemini compliments make your spirit soar. However when you are criticized today you are very sad, Gemini you need to be selective about the friends you run with. You do not need them taking away your confidence. Try and behave yourself when out in public. You can be funny, but funny only goes so far.

Cancer your career has just the right combination of quiet time and excitement. If you ask nicely your company may consider developing your idea. As long as you keep your intentions clear you might just have a chance. Resistance will happen, but don't be angry.

Leo there are many family worries this month and today. Don't ask your parents or siblings to help you out. If you do there will be tension and the inevitable argument. Do not lend money to others either. If you do you may find that things are even worse than you thought. Take time to be on your own today. You will find that cold sunshine is really refreshing.

Virgo you have the greatest and most wild dreams that anyone has ever had., you feel that you are treading water and just moving along slowly. You now want to live life to the fullest and make your career something spectacular. Go for it! Talk to your mentor before you make a break with tradition. Be careful when you cross the street today and smile at coworkers as much as you can.

Libra you need to change your home base and go somewhere that is full of activities. You need to be less alone and more social. If you begin to participate in social events today, you might just find that you are a party animal and new friend will become a best friend.

Scorpio there is something dark that has been growing for a long time. No you need to take time to get rid of the baggage of your past and move on. Today can be a day of new beginnings if you are open to suggestions.

Launch into today with confidence. There is so much you can do to make your life better. Try with the attitude first. Be happy if you can. Stop talking out of turn and do not use viper-tongued remarks. If you are careful today Sagittarius you may find that there are rewards waiting for you at home. A letter from someone you have almost forgotten is waiting for you.

Capricorn you have diverted all your attention to your career. Your manager will give you more projects that are not becoming difficult to finish. Why this obstacle? You know that the problem is not yours. Talk to others about what is going on. You may find that there is something you can do to save the situation.

Aquarius you are ready to share you most secret feelings today. You know that there will be very few consequences if you are honest. Take care to keep your head covered when you go out in the weather today. It is stormy and getting colder.

Pisces there is romantic tension rising in your family. It is good for you if you are ready for a new step in your relationship. Conversations with your love lead to sparks right now. You will know if this union is something you like or if you want to let it go. Act accordingly. Commit or get out.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for October 2013Horoscope for Yesterday October 19 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow October 21 2013