Horoscope for October 24 2013
October 24th there comes a time when you have to let go of part of your family. It takes a great deal of emotional courage to just let go. You also need to take away those duties and chores that are not good for you today. Let go and realize that there is not enough time or emotion in a day to accomplish everything. You family loves you and will return when they are able. It is hard, thought to part.

Aries you can't just sit and be warm and cuddly today. You have to be uncomfortable and explore emotions as well as activates that will make you feel very tired. When you explore the unknown even in our own mind you grow. Take today and try something new that comes along. If will help you in all aspects of your life.

Go with he flow today Taurus and if an opportunity comes along to help make change in your life, grab it. You might think that today that lighthearted and flirtatious behavior will be fun. Follow your urge to take things to another level today. Instead of just flirting dive deep into emotions and let them know how interested you are. You might find, however, that they are not who you think they are.

There are those in your world Gemini who do not agree with you. That is astounding to you! They do things very different from your way of doing things that that cause you anxiety. Just grit your teeth and let people go their own way. You will still accomplish the same task and it will be good, just different.

Cancer your leadership today is highly needed. Take on a more formal leadership role in your home live. The universe is for this. Fit culture into your life today. This might be a visit to a museum or just read a classic. Keep your emotions tamped down. You do not need to be sensitive today. Maybe take something to keep your anxiety levels on an even keel.

Leo you have a great sense of community when you think alike. Read something others are reading; attend meetings that enrich your soul and where others are. Be a part of something. Stop being alone and worrying about one person. Start taking time for you and worry about you.

Virgo be extravagant today. This includes your money, patience, time and energy levels. Schedule more in your day to be with people you enjoy. Purchase a gift for a special person. You might want to take your love to the mall and dinner. Help a stranger with their luggage. You will give quite a bit today an it will come back to you tenfold.

Libra your concentration levels today are very weak. You might stop working or reading one thing and then start on something else Do stop wasting energy and time today and get organized, Plan out your day, but leave in time to relax. Commit to doing one thing today and do it well. Don't hurry thorough projects and definitely don't procrastinate.

Scorpio, there has been plenty of time to get you household chores done. Shame on you that you haven't finished anything at all. Apologize to someone you have hurt today. You might be able to work faster if you put things behind you. Begin conversations that are uncomfortable and let others know that you are motivated to make issues right,

Yesterday was awesome for you Sagittarius and today will be just as great. You are in the middle of a happy phase where everything is going right and the grumpiest of your friends just make you smile. This good energy comes from the stars, and you do not question it. Embrace the good feelings and have fun with them. Remember these good days to help get though the bad ones.

Capricorn you and our boss come to an agreement today. You will get the raise you asked for, but you will get comp time and compensation for other issues. You are highly respect6ed and what you do is very important. You company respects you for being able to flex with budgets at this time of downturn.

Aquarius let your work speak for you since it is very good. If you brag about yourself you might send the wrong message. Those who know you are aware of your work and how good you are at what you do. AT home take re of issues that arise with money and your love. Take care of them immediately to keep them from festering.

Pisces as one of the signs that is highly psychic you know the value of meditation. Keep your mind and body balanced and explore physical exercises that will keep your mind in control of your body. Yoga would be perfect. Find new obsessions in your life and try to integrate new things that will enhance your psychic abilities.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for October 2013Horoscope for Yesterday October 23 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow October 25 2013