Horoscope for February 6 2013
February may be a very short and cold month but it is the month of hearts and flowers. Use your compassion today to do something good for someone. It is important to keep up the spirit of giving all through the month and particularly on the 6th.

Aries today you are not particularly open to doing anything different. You love to be in a rut today and those around you will call you "old fashioned." If this is the way to get things done, go for it.

Taurus you have a forceful energy that seems to radiate from your skin. Your mind can't be changed once you have made it up no matter how it hurts you. This is a very difficult situation for anyone to overcome. Knock down the walls and climb over.

Your work environment may not be the best, and it may be holding you back, but if you keep your ear to the ground and listen carefully you will find the right positions very soon.

You want people to just accept you as you are Cancer. It makes you angry inside when people like to step on you and treat you like a doormat. You are really a very intelligent and giving person. Tell those around you today to stop belittling you.

Leo you have a very difficult way with finances. You try to think you are doing well, but you find mistakes you have made all the time. Ask for help to budget and save.

Health is perfect and awesome today Virgo. You have a doctor's appointment today and say what you need to in regards to how you are feeling. On the flip side listen to what your doctor tells you and try not to find fault.

You must be honest and forceful today Libra to get all your needs met. Try to use your words without getting angry and just stand up for yourself. This is in regards to work, home and play.

Scorpio you need to think logically about spiritual information coming your way today. You may find that a spiritual leader is twisting something for their own benefit. Be watchful and listen.

Your instincts serve you well today Sagittarius. You know what is going to happen before it does and this makes you a very valuable asset. Warn others of impending problems when you feel them today.

Capricorn you may be very clear on what you want to happen in work today, but others will not listen. Now is not the time to let your thoughts and impressions guide you. Don't overact to slights or disrespect. Just take care of your own duties.

Aquarius you need to be cautious with those you love today. If you are too forceful you will be rejected. Remember that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Sounds silly, but being sweet will get your farther than being tart.

Pisces you are about to have a very important change to your financial life. There is much you can do today to keep finances on an even keel and make sure they are balanced and corrected.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for February 2013Horoscope for Yesterday February 5 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow February 7 2013