Horoscope for February 12 2013
On February 12th it is time to find the way to your love's heart. Valentine's is only a couple of days away and you need to plan that special evening. Don't worry; whatever you do will be accepted with grace and smiles.

Today you may find that there are people who will try to bring you around to their way of thinking in spiritual and religious matters Aries. You need to follow your own intuition and realize that you are a good person with many talents to give. Stay your own person and just do what you think is right.

Taurus you are trying too hard and pushing too fast. You are stepping on the toes of those you work with and they are getting angry. You need to step back, literally, and just do the things that you know are good for your career. Being pushy and stubborn is not the answer.

You may be dealing with conflict at work Gemini if you are currently employed. If you are still looking for work you need to be very humble in an interview. Don't put yourself down, but don't be boastful.

Be careful today Cancer not to think that everything in your checkbook is okay. You may find that you forgot to subtract a purchase and this will bring you grief! Balance your checkbook, your life and your relationships today. Be honest.

Leo you must give your love partner their space today. This is very important for continued happiness. If you are unattached you do need to get out and find the right person. Love can be sudden, but it takes work.

Virgo there is a chance and you know it, that you have been overdoing it with the late nights and heavy partying. Give yourself a break and let your nerves heal. Stay home tonight and tend to the home fires.

Open your mind today Libra and look deeply into your inner soul. You are feeling the need to discover who you are and to find peace with what you do. It is okay to feel a bit lost when the month is gray and dark.

Peace and quiet plus rest is crucial for you today Scorpio. You have been pushing work to the limits and your home life is suffering. Take time to just sit with a family member and kick back. Watch a show on the television with them or just read a relaxing book.

Sagittarius this month has been one of hard work. This is not necessarily negative, but you do need to be prepared to continue working hard today. The rest of the month may ease up a bit, but don't count on it.

Capricorn if you are committed your partner's working situation may be interfering with what you want to happen. Take time and space to converse and maybe just go out for a quick bite to eat tonight. Work is good, but you do need to take time for each other.

You have so much to accomplish today, Aquarius. You have many projects on your desk that you really need to get done today. Dedicate your time to the tasks at hand and prioritize. Try not to procrastinate.

If you are seeking employment today Pisces you may be hired for a new position. It will be demanding but fulfilling. Enjoy what you have found.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for February 2013Horoscope for Yesterday February 11 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow February 13 2013