Horoscope for February 19 2013
February 19th is a day to make sure you are doing all you can do to make your job and home better. This is a day when the sun is finally peeking out from behind the clouds and it almost seems as if an early spring is in the air. Get out the gardening catalogues and start dreaming.

Aries there is no free lunch in regards to work or love relationships. They all take work and sometimes more work than you are willing to give. Today you must find the unselfishness in your soul and compromise.

You must try to avoid tasks that will get you fired today, Taurus. Today you need to keep everything above board. You are on the bubble and this is not a comfortable place to be. Make sure you get off the bubble by being cooperative.

Don't imagine that because you are in a committed relationship Gemini you don't have to do anything else to make it work. Relationships are constantly growing and changing and you need to grow and change with them. Take time to tell someone you love them today.

You are delusional about money Cancer. There is no harm in dreaming about how a windfall would fix all your problems. Just keep working at getting them solved and you will come out okay.

Leo, take today to do something about your health. You are always sick, so it seems, and maybe you need vitamins. Eating well and exercising plus finding a new relationship partner will go far in helping you regain your health.

Virgo you need to find a spiritual context in your life. If you are seeking to increase your spirituality you need to take steps to meet new religious people. Going places where good people are found and opening yourself up to all of the sights and sounds that will come into your life will be fulfilling.

Conflict and competition are in the cards for your today Libra. This competition will come at work when you work against another team to finish a project on time. Take this as healthy competition and learn from what is happening.

Trust in yourself Scorpio. If you find someone who just doesn't feel right take your intuitions to heart and know that you are probably right. Do research and find out more about this "new" person.

There is something coming up at work and in your career Sagittarius. It may be something good so think calmly and rationally about what you have done. Avoid any arguments with coworkers and protect yourself as much as you can. Write down all your actions and have a paper trail. You also need to make sure you have witnesses during discussions.

If you are in a love relationship you might find that there is conflict on the horizon today. This can be okay since it will help you iron out differences and get back on a stronger track. Conflict is not always bad, Capricorn.

Aquarius if you are having money difficulties today is a great time to carefully question your old ways and find new ways to cut expenses. You may also want to get a second job to find more income for your family.

You are trying to deal with physical pain today Pisces. These are signals not to ignore your health but to make an appointment today to see your doctor. Pain will affect your quality of life if you let it go unchecked.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for February 2013Horoscope for Yesterday February 18 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow February 20 2013