Horoscope for December 27 2013
December 27th be assertive without being controlling. Pay attention to details and listen to conversations. Determine how you can make your fantasies become real. Write down everything you can think of that you would like to do this coming year. Keep a journal of your journeys. Be spontaneous and go on a short trip.

Change direction rather than turning your back on responsibilities. Approach each new person as a potential network partner. Maybe take your Christmas money and buy something ridiculously expensive and unnecessary. This gives you a feeling of power, Aries.

Obstacles crumble in front of you when you are persistent. Those obstacles that remain in your private and professional life will be leveled by the end of the day. You have contingency plans; open them up and start to use them Taurus. Success will be yours!

Drama today is not really that disastrous Gemini. It is only a little argument that does not really warrant your attention. Just roll your eyes and move on. It is better not to get involved in matters that are not really your business.

Attraction to your love becomes a bit stale. You have interest in other people and possibilities. Stop. You are not allowed to just change in the middle of the stream without thinking about things from every perspective Cancer.

Leo no one is trying to take you away from your job. It is your job as long as you work at it and are interested. Temptation to hire a private detective to track your love's movements is crazy. There is no risk. Get a grip on your emotions and suspicions.

Read books that give positive encouragement and self-help. Do not listen to those who put you down Virgo. Avoid so called friends and family members who seem to be against what you want to do. Leave the situation as fast as you can when drama asserts itself.

Bite your tongue today. The holidays seem to bring out the worse in some people. It is going to be tough to withhold the truth, but you can do it. Ignore passing remarks that seem out of character. Listen with detachment. Avoid disagreements to the best of your ability. Find somewhere to be that does not include your friends or family Libra.

Social prowess is your legacy today Scorpio. Holidays are never over until the end of the month when the ball of 2013 drops to the ground. Use your passion and enthusiasm to inject fun and life into long events and meetings.

Take pleasure today, but use your head. Logic in spending money will be necessary. Do not overestimate someone's commitment to you. If you do not have a paper claim or a marriage certificate there is nothing holding you there Sagittarius.

Look hard at your relationships Capricorn. Being unhappy with a situation is not good for your mental or physical health. Be honest with yourself and take the best course of action. Leaving a relationship can be hard, but if done for the right reasons it can be powerful.

Be a flirt Aquarius. It is more fun to consider romance as a sport rather than something that you have to work at. No referees on in the relationship business. Play at your own risk. If what you are feeling is real, make it a commitment. Games are fun in the beginning of a relationship.

Pisces insights let you know who you should entice to come into your web. If your mood is good, you might just be caught off guard and let someone into your life that is not meant to be there. Watch for signals from those around you. They know what is going on.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2013Horoscope for Yesterday December 26 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 28 2013