Horoscope for December 13 2013
December 13th tackle new direction today. Meet new people, increase your networking abilities, and start new projects. December is not the month to slack off; rather it is the month to finish and keep going. Big ideas are starting to come into your mind. Write them down.

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, Aries and stop whining. You are always in a funk and it is getting very annoying. Those who are your friends will start to wander away and your family will have something else to do when you call. Find something positive and dwell on that.

Read between the lines today Taurus. Ensure that you know what is actually going on. You will not figure out the solutions to your problems right now. That's okay. Just keep reaching for the answers to fulfill your life. There is someone waiting for you to ask them a heavy question.

Gemini those new ideas running through your mind may need refining. One person will help you with your ideas so learn to trust them. Listen to advice from your love today; they are very smart and know what is going on. Don't be a slave to work. Take time for enjoyment, too.

Who are you? Check out your ancestry by going to genealogy websites. Thoughts going through your mind are almost manic in regards to discovering our ancestors. Strange. You do not like history when it involves non-fiction Cancer. There is an answer in your past that will help your future.

Guard your reputation well today Leo. You are being regarded as someone who is complex and difficult. Treat others well; but remember that you have alienated one who was always there. Now she is totally gone.

Slow down today. Energy is waning. Spend what energy reserves you have by taking stock of what needs to be done. Don't rush ahead with projects and schemes that will not provide a good life for you Virgo.

Libra something new for you is just around the corner. Make it happen. Energy is awesome for jumping into new projects. Shake up those around you and show them a new you; an energetic and happy you.

Scorpio, reach out to the one you love. They need you today but are not going to admit it. Might just give you a spark in your relationship. Selfishness will not be good today. Make a purchase just for them today. Give them you time if you do not have the money to spend. Time is just as important as physical gifts.

Purchase something awesome today Sagittarius. Check your bank account and go for it. Pick up your new item and call friends over to celebrate what you have. Keep saving, again, for another wanted item. This is really fun!

Capricorn count on plans today. All the lists you have made are solid. Don't question you intuition today; just go for it. Take a loved one with you on a shopping trip. They will keep your spending in line. Cross off tasks on your list as you complete them.

Irritation is your watchword today Aquarius. Let this work to your advantage however. Those you work with on the team know you are irritated. They will work harder, faster and longer. Good job. Smile behind your hand since you are not really all that irritated.

Pisces don't poke back at people who are trying to "get your goat." Let them do what they want and avoid playing games. Walk away when you are being unnecessarily harassed. It's okay to want to be left alone.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2013Horoscope for Yesterday December 12 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 14 2013