Horoscope for December 18 2013
December 18th creatively and artistic sides come to the forefront today. This is awesome! Consider building a website to complement your creations. Dreams need a forum to find an audience. Inspire those around you and take time to use your creative talents in a positive manner.

Roadblocks today Aries. You are heading to the final section of your work assignments, but there are cement chunks in the way. Tone things down and discuss the issues in a calm and logical manner with your team. Get back on track as soon as possible.

Be honest about who you want to be Taurus. Are you changing careers to attract a soul mate? If so you are going about it in the wrong way. Your ex-love is enthusiastic about talking to you, but their spouse is not so congenial.

Change the direction in your life Gemini. Surprise others by being and doing something that is so totally out of the norm that they will be shocked. Do be honest, however about why you are doing a particular task in a different format. Change can be exciting.

Sacrifice is soul strengthening Cancer. Now you are entitled to others sacrificing something for you. You are right, but it won't happen. You might have to reach out and just take what you want. Be strong and say "no" when things are a bit on the difficult side. You do not have to do everything yourself.

Change things in your life Leo. It is up to you to make the effort. Loved ones might help, but they are tired of your shenanigans. Be a bigger person Leo and grow up. The world is not about you. You made your life, now fix it.

Serious issues need to be forgotten just for a bit today. Go out and enjoy the season. Life is very short and one day doing things you hate causes disruption in your soul. Be a child; do what makes you happiest today. Have your ever driven around and looked at the Christmas decorations in your city? Try it!

Energy is high today Virgo to go out and deal with important issues. Once you have dealt with these problems you definitely will feel much better. You have the energy and enthusiasm to root out any problem. You have no excuses left; do it.

Adventure is in the cards today Libra. Weigh the pros and cons of excitement but don't let others disapproval and criticism hold you back. Go for what you want. Being a roller derby officiator is not all that different neither is learning to ski and snowboard.

Helping others is noble, Scorpio, but when you think about it, you are also helping yourself. Good deeds benefit everyone. Charity in your heart makes you a bigger person. Put a coin in the drop box of a beggar on the street. Feel good about what you have done even if they give you an angry look.

Sagittarius, stop being defensive today. Mistakes that are made take a big person to admit the wrongdoings. Everyone makes mistakes, but making light of them or not acknowledging them or even fighting it will make you stressed and angry. Just say, "I did" it and move on.

Be productive these last days before the holidays. Work hard and find favor with upper management. Keep a clear mental image of where you are going Capricorn and stick to the path that is lit up in red. Take a moment to write down what you need to finish before holidays come to a head.

Aquarius just let those who make you angry know it. Your forgiving nature is highly recommended, but it can cause ulcers and anxiety. Don't let mistake fester. If you let others get away with mistakes and miscalculations they will never learn. Be gentle, however.

Pisces play by the rules today. If others refuse to do what is needed come down on them hard or ask them to leave. Mean what you say. If you ask someone to go, make sure they go. You can finish your projects by yourself and without headaches of re-teaching others your methods of work.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2013Horoscope for Yesterday December 17 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 19 2013