Horoscope for December 16 2013
December 16th if you are looking for an inheritance today; maybe. Stay disciplined and consistent and work through your issues with determination and energy. Keep the faith as you go shopping for gifts. Look to the unusual this year. Make today the day your find yourself in creating and crafting.

Aries there are opportunities for new conversations and ideas with your team. Meetings come up and you are asked to provide input. Home and family is good; and you are needed to keep the budget under control. Find new recipes for parties and just enjoy. Be crafty this Christmas. No one needs expensive gifts.

Keep making money this month Taurus. Even though it is December you do need income and work. Be super charged today as you finish creative designs for personal projects. Use your hands to make creative gifts for others. Decisions should be focused on income and outgo.

Achieve goals and work though social network, friends, networks and upper management. Make an effort to be pleasant today Gemini. You are not the wonder-person any more, but a worker who has responsibilities.

Career matters as well as goals need to be backed off today Cancer. Your reputation will suffer a bit when you do not finish a project. Don't worry other projects will come up. If you are feeling a bit spanked from a review you received, remember that this is only one opinion.

Find your happy place Leo. Earn money and deal with possessions and acquisitions with intelligence. Love is going okay, but there is still the distrust in your relationship that will eventually destroy it. Find your place in the world. You are definitely a flawed entity.

News and information is flowing into your mind today Virgo. Sort out the information that you need to make the best decisions for your life that you can. Don't let authority figures push over you and cause you distress. Keep your place in the company by working hard today.

Moving in to intense romances is fun, but it will not serve you well Libra. You need to find your own personality and not be melded into something you never wanted to be. Let those around you know who you are and be assertive. Take care that you are a person and not a puppet.

Use your power to transform situations to your good Scorpio. Learn about what you can do by facing obstacles and conquering them. Opportunities are waiting for you in the next year and personal goals can be achieved. Have a plan and go for it.

Use your creativity today Sagittarius. Watch your step in regard to romance. Caution is a necessity as the planets move along a very squiggly line. You will find today that there are emotions that are being faked. How sad for you. Take care.

You strategy is not working. What you have set in stone is coming back to haunt you today Capricorn. You have found out that not all the information was given to you and your decision is not going to hold water. Share you thoughts with others to help them relieve you of some of the tension.

Aquarius, keep communication channels wide open. Your house of big ideas needs a foundation. You have energy, but you are picking up static along the way. This will hinder any decisions you make. Beware of new possibilities that will cause heartburn.

Explore all the options you have at hand Pisces. Ensure that you follow the right path to work today. There are dangers on slippery streets that will trip you up on you way to the office. Dress warm and take care.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2013Horoscope for Yesterday December 15 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 17 2013