Horoscope for January 28 2018
The Moon makes a move into sensitive Cancer today. It's a great day for speaking what's in your heart. Emotions will flow effortlessly and many people will feel the powerful force of connection and love for one another. Mercury remains in stable Capricorn for a few more days and it's still a great time to forge connections and collaborations. Discover what lies ahead for you, below!

Aries, you have been thinking a lot about people from your past and how they have shaped who you are today. The good and the bad, they have all done their part to bring you to this exact moment in time. You should feel grateful for every person along the way who helped you get to this place. No man (or woman) does it alone!

You hate nothing more than being lied to, Taurus. Someone thinks they have you fooled by their clever stories and cover-ups, but you can see right through their carefully placed veil. Waste no time calling them out on their bluff, and make sure they know the full consequences of their actions. You're one person they certainly won't try to cross again!

Gemini, you love nothing more than a good, old-fashioned debate. No one is quicker with words than you, and you enjoy the back and forth banter of a well-thought-out argument. You are about to meet someone who is not only your intellectual equal but someone who is intriguing on multiple levels. There's certainly more to this one than meets the eye!

Life has thrown you for a bit of a loop recently, Cancer. You're not a huge fan of change, but you have been forced into an awkward situation that you wouldn't have picked if you had the choice. Make the best of your current surroundings and try to reach out and make friends. You will soon find that you are feeling at home in no time.

Leo, you are at risk for some self-destructive tendencies today. Your temper is your vice de jour, and you often wield this powerful tool whenever the fancy strikes you. You would be wise to pick your battles wisely, though, as you may soon find yourself tangled up in an argument you can't win. Then your biggest frustration will be with yourself and, unfortunately, that's one person you can't escape.

You have felt a bit indecisive lately, Virgo. Mercury is in your 5th House of Creativity sending all kinds of mixed signals about your true wishes for a current project. Take some time to focus and tune out the noise. If you look deep inside yourself you will find that you knew the answer all along. Go with your gut.

Libras could find themselves engaged in a battle of wits today. Someone has challenged you on something you hold very dear, and they have no idea what they have gotten themselves into! Everyone knows you are a tenacious fighter and you'll stop at nothing to defend the things and people you love. And you'll do so while keeping your signature grace and charm intact. They won't see it coming!

You are on a mission to beautify your home today, Scorpio. You have a very unique sensibilities and tastes, and you are very particular about what you allow in your space. Take some time to design a retreat that truly reflects your deep and varied personality. All those who are lucky to enter will be completely spellbound!

Sagittarius, you may need to rethink a project that has gone awry. Sometimes our best-laid plans don't pan out as we wish and we are forced to start again at square one. Strip this project down to the bones and really think about what you are trying to accomplish. After a second look, you may be thankful for a fresh start after all!

Sometimes you are your own worst enemy, Capricorn. You can be so hard on yourself when things don't go the way you planned. You seem to be able to allow everyone else to make mistakes except yourself. It's time you extended your forgiveness to the most important person in your life-you! You will only be able to move on after you accept your own failures.

You could feel the need to help out a friend today, Aquarius. This may be someone who has been struggling for weeks now with a certain aspect of their lives. Whether their trouble is personal or financial, let them know you are here for them with no strings attached. That's what true friendship is about, and it's the greatest gift we can offer one another.

Pisces, you may need to be wary of false friends today. You are usually so kind-hearted and you typically expect the best of others. But a group of people could soon enter your life with selfish intentions. They may simply want to benefit from of the resources you have built up, and they aren't interested in getting to know you as an individual. Keep your guard up.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2018Horoscope for Yesterday January 27 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 29 2018