Horoscope for January 24 2018
An astronomical shift is on the horizon. Currents of change are being felt everywhere, and the first move will be the Moon into the gentle sign of Taurus. A methodical, practical energy will prevail and it will seem as though everyone has a little more patience than usual. Coupled with Mercury in grounded Capricorn, this is a great time see results from hard work. Read on to discover what lies ahead for you!

You may find yourself feeling uncharacteristically jealous of someone today, Aries. This could be someone who appears to have it all-or, more specifically, everything you want. But take a closer look and you will see that their life is far from perfect. Everyone has their own struggle, and you would be wise to focus on your own life instead of getting caught up in a game of comparisons.

Taurus, you are feeling very in tune with your needs right now. The Moon has moved into your 1st House of Self, and you have a sudden burst of clarity about what is truly important in your life. You will find it easy to focus on what really matters and let everything else fall by the wayside. Get ready to experience some serious fulfillment!

Gemini, you could be suffering from a bit of anxiety today. You always have an abundance of mental energy and sometimes this works to your detriment. Do what you can to calm down and find your Zen. You are thinking about the worst-case scenario when it will likely never happen! If necessary, ease your tension by talking to a trusted confidante.

You are in need of some validation and understanding today, Cancer. We all yearn to be accepted and seen by those around us. Reach out to someone close to you and share your feelings. You will find that a comforting conversation is all you need to feel better. Friendships are a true blessing!

Leos are very focused on their careers right now. You have your sights set on getting ahead and it seems you will stop at no costs! You should set up careful limits to how much you are willing to sacrifice before things get out of hand. Is success really worth your family, friends, and sanity? If you don't set some boundaries now, no one else will do it for you!

It's time to expand your horizons, Virgo! The Moon has moved into your 9th House of Mental Exploration prompting you to ponder the deeper aspect of life. Take some time to ask yourself what is truly important to you and what will bring you happiness. If you really dig deep, the answer may surprise you!

Libras could find themselves with the opportunity to rectify a past mistake. We can never truly go back in time for a do-over, but you could find yourself in a similar situation as before; however, this time you are armed with knowledge from your experience. Take satisfaction in the lessons you have learned and even share your journey with others. Teaching can be a powerful healing mechanism.

You could feel a renewed sense of connection to your partner today, Scorpio. Sometimes it's easy to see the negative aspects of someone as we go through our day to day lives. However, your loved one may have recently done something that surprised you and reminded you why you fell in love with them in the first place. Celebrate this relationship, and know that you have found something truly special!

Sagittarians could feel motivated to start a new fitness routine today. An exercise routine needs to engage your mind as well as your body or else you will soon lose interest. There are so many options out there now that suit all kinds of beliefs and lifestyles. If you find one that truly speaks to you, you could end up meeting a few like-minded people along the way.

Capricorns are typically known for their practical nature. This doesn't mean that you don't have many other facets of your personality. You could find yourself drawn toward more creative pursuits today. Indulge this urge to express yourself, and try to find an art form or hobby that truly speaks to you. Get ready to show the world how truly well-rounded you are!

You are feeling the urge to be at home today, Aquarius. Your family and loved ones are very important to you, and you have worked hard to curate a life and home that brings you happiness. It's a shame that we spend so much of our lives working to support a life we rarely get to live. It may be time for you to re-evaluate some of your goals and try to find a little more balance in your life. You won't be sorry.

Pisces, sometimes it can be so hard to say how we feel. We are often held back by fear of rejection. But seriously, what person wouldn't want to hear that someone feels affection for them? Muster up your courage and find the right words for this special person in your life. You will feel relief from speaking your truth, and you may even receive some positive feedback in the process!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2018Horoscope for Yesterday January 23 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 25 2018