Horoscope for January 17 2018
Some big changes are happening today! The Moon and Venus have both moved into intellectual Aquarius. The focus has shifted to big ideas and everyone seems to be operating with lofty expectations. The sky is truly the limit and there is a permeating feeling of optimism and positive energy. It's the perfect time to dream big and be creative. Discover what's in store for your sign, below!

Someone you consider a friend may think of you as more, Aries. You are so relatable and fun; it's no wonder you attract such a dynamite group of people around you. But while you are simply bonding in a platonic way, someone in your circle has fallen under your spell. Think twice before you completely rule this person out as a romantic partner. There may be more to them than meets the eye.

Taurus, you are experiencing some luck at work right now. The Moon has moved into your 10th House of Career and it seems like you are connected with a job on an almost psychic level today. You may have the vision to see the best direction for certain projects and initiatives so don't be shy about speaking up. You are a valuable asset at this time!

You are looking at the world in wonderment right now, Gemini. You have recently had a transformative experience and you feel as though you may never be the same again. We are all blessed with a few of these moments in our lifetime where we experience a renewed sense of clarity and purpose. Harness this energy and allow it to change you in the best possible ways.

Cancer, you may find yourself at a new beginning today. You're not one who usually embraces change, as you prefer to hang on to the past. It would be in your best interest to embrace this new experience, though, as it could end up being a very positive influence in your life. Not all beginnings are scary, and not all endings are bad!

You are very focused on your marriage or partnership today, Leo. Perhaps you have made some mistakes recently and your bond was starting to suffer as a result. Remember, no one is perfect. The most important thing is that you recognize where you went wrong and try to rectify the situation. Greener pastures are ahead.

Virgos could find themselves with a renewed interest in helping others today. You've always had a bit of a humanitarian side and you are feeling the urge to help out where you can. There's no better person to organize the masses, so go ahead and volunteer to take a lead role. You're sure to make a positive difference in whatever you put your mind to!

Someone has taken credit for your idea recently, Libra. This is something you told this person in confidence and now they have taken the reigns and the glory. Your best course of action is to confront this person head-on about the mishap. They will be caught off guard, and you will be able to gain control of the situation in the process.

Scorpios are feeling the urge to spend some time at home with the people they care about most. It has become abundantly clear to you that this is where your energy is best spent, and you are determined to do what you can to make the most of your time there. See if it may be possible for you to adjust your work schedule to allow for a better work/life balance. The rewards will be immense.

You have a way with words today, Sagittarius. The Moon and Venus have both moved into your 3rd House of Communications, so why not take advantage of this combination and tell your secret crush how you feel! You will be saying all the right things, and your execution is sure to be flawless. You may even end up being lucky in love!

Capricorns could find themselves feeling a little bit moody today. Your emotions are fluctuating a bit and you are at risk of losing your patience. There's nothing you hate more than being in a funk because you feel as though you aren't in control of your emotions. Take comfort in the fact that we all feel this way from time to time. It should pass soon.

You are feeling proud of yourself today, Aquarius. You've recently done something quite impressive and you are eager to soak up all of the attention you deserve. Tread carefully in how you present yourself to your peers. You could come across as a bit boastful and ungrateful. Try to keep your ego in check.

Pisceans could find they are feeling a bit down today. Every so often this feeling washes over you and you have a hard time shaking the blues. The ebb and flow of emotions is a very natural process, so try to embrace these changes. If negative feelings persist, though, don't be afraid to reach out to a trusted friend or family member. You may feel better after simply talking things through.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2018Horoscope for Yesterday January 16 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 18 2018