Horoscope for March 28 2013
Make plans today on March 28th to reach the pinnacle of your dreams. It will be a long and hard climb but dreams are always worth the extra effort. You will find your future at the top of the "mountain."

Learn something new today Aries. You will find that new and different ideas and things will take you far into the future. Keep your thoughts open to unique ideas and different ways of dong simple tasks.

You might just want to make an investment today Taurus. It can be an investment of money or time or labor. You will know when the idea is presented to you. Don't scoff at any ideas to get ahead in the world.

Gemini the more opportunities you are give to nurture and wok on the better your life will be. You might have a friend give you funding for your new venture or a family member will hand you a nice surprise. Take it with grace.

Cancer today you are longing for more stability. You long for the stability in a happy home, worthwhile career and even-keeled relationship. You have invested emotion and brainpower in all aspects of your life. You are rooted in your past and living in our present. All is good.

Leo the foundation of your life is finished. You now need to develop it. You have successfully completed the first stage or step of a relationship or a job or a school assignment and now it is time to move on.

If feels like danger in the air today, Virgo. This can be exciting or terrifying - it depends on your attitude. Don't worry there are no disasters about to happen today, but you may have an emotional experience today that will rock your world.

Meditate today Libra about the things that are bothering you. Throw them away and think of them no more unless they are life threatening. There is nothing that cannot be fixed today with an attitude change and a good lunch with a caring friend.

Arguments that have been extra difficult in the past few days will go away today Scorpio. You will find that truth and compassion rule over the feeling of justice. The wounds that were inflicted during this arguing time need to be fixed. You can do it with communication and skillful emotional healing.

Today time is up for arguing and misunderstanding that lead to mental and verbal abuse. You need to take time to recuperate from a physical illness and turn to those who love you for care Sagittarius. Stop trying to go it alone.

Have you been thinking for a long time that things are just not quite right Capricorn? Today you will find the answers you have been seeking. These answers will most possibly come in the form of a mentor who will lead you to the proper learning. This will be magical.

Don't be a miser today Aquarius. Give of your time if not your funds to help someone in need. Your emotional rewards will far surpass any sacrifices you make today. There is someone on the street corner just waiting for you.

Pisces today is going to be one of the most negative days you have ever experienced There are things that are going to happen to your family, your job and your career as well as your financial wellbeing. They will not be particularly good, but if you are forewarned you can take precautions to safeguard everything in your life.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for March 2013Horoscope for Yesterday March 27 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow March 29 2013