Horoscope for March 23 2013
Don't try and do everything at once today on March 23rd. You will find that by conserving energy for projects you love you will be highly rewarded with relaxation and enjoyment.

Invest high energy into a project today Aries. Use your friends and family to complete the difficult parts. As you work on a project you may find that it grows quickly in the beginning, but often you slack off. Keep going and be successful in finishing.

If you find yourself competing with others at work or with friends you will find that power struggles will cause inner doubts and defeats. If there are those around you who claim you are amazing, try to live up to their expectations.

Gemini if you are wondering how you can stand out in a crowd, the answer is to overcome you defeatist attitude and be bold. Do not retreat or play anything safe. This is the time you need to pull out your entire stops and do something that will enhance your future.

Cancer the battle may be playful, but underlying this competition is a serious line. Try and find out the parameters of the game before you jump in with both feet.

You obsess over things that have been lost so much that what you have goes unnoticed. You are disappointed in yourself for not living up to your potential and this is blinding you to what you can really do. Get over your regrets Leo.

What you loved you have lost. Regrets? Yes and you are feeling humbled and rushed. You do need to value those things that you have or they will be gone. Don't look back, but learn your lesson Virgo.

Libra you need to stop drowning in your own tears and sorrows. Find the strength to stop thinking about what went wrong and to find redemption. Don't be lost in woe; it only causes depression.

A sunny day today is what you need Scorpio to stop deep and dark feelings. Have the strength to turn toward the future and lift your face to the sun. If you are positive all the things in your life will also be positive.

Regrets are never fruitful Sagittarius. You can think over and over about the "what ifs" but nothing will bring back what you have lost. Things are not hopeless; pick yourself up today and redeem yourself in your own eyes.

Capricorn, avoid arguments today. There are no winners or losers in an argument just hurt feelings. Don't let anyone drive you into submissions; stand your ground but pick you battles.

Pride will make you weak Aquarius. If you have too much pride it will lure you into fights that aren't worth it. Try not to justify a bad idea; let you be on a higher plan and stop arguments and fights before they begin

Pisces losses teach us to know ourselves. We can be better prepared for hardships when it comes again if we learn our lesson. Walk away from fights and argument today. Don't give in. If you walk away you will be so much happier.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for March 2013Horoscope for Yesterday March 22 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow March 24 2013