Horoscope for March 18 2013
Take March 18 to build up energy to do those things that are most important to you. Don't get caught up in doing things for others and neglecting your own health or projects. It is great to be helpful, but not at your own expense.

Aries you have high skills and talents and when combined with your natural energy you can go far. You work diligently on your projects and produce quality. Pay attention to detail in all the things you do. Make sure you cross all the ts and dot all the I's to keep things on an even balance.

Taurus you may be going through a state of intense sorrow today. There is separation between you and a relationship partner. Someone has intruded into your life and made it seem like there is nothing left. The affair you are having with someone who you once loved is going to bring you sorrow.

Realize today Gemini that you derive more pleasure from work when you love what you do. You job benefits others but it also benefits you and your needs. Keep working hard and diligently. You will gain rewards that will be awesome.

You have been dealing with heavy stress today Cancer and you are feeling that nothing will slow down. You seek closure form the chaos in your life. If you look for calm waters you will find that they are just around the corner.

Work very hard today Leo and you will gain accolades and a bonus. Your bonus will be generous and it will take you to new heights. You will be able to accomplish the things you want to do. Congratulations!

Take a long walk today Virgo. You will see the world in a new light. This is a light that you must find if you are to come out of your depressions and "funk." All will be okay if you only work toward fixing your relationships.

There is someone who will come into your life today Libra who will be a great influence for good;. They will have traits that you wish you had, but they will teach you to be patient and kind. They will also give you the desire to reach for your dreams.

You can achieve balance today Scorpio by looking toward the four physical elements. Emotional, spiritual, and your inner self can all work together if you find a spiritual connection with someone or even within yourself.

Sagittarius today has a promising and very positive outlook on life. Your job is great and your family secure. Take care to keep the positive thoughts in your heart. Take them out when things are gloomy.

Be moderate in all you do today Capricorn. You need to make sure you have a common ground with those you are speaking with today. Do not react defensively but be calm. Be truthful and try to reign in the anger.

Don't be wishy-washy today Aquarius. Rather than running around in chaotic directions follow the road through the center of your life. This road will give you plenty of choices. You need to follow the status quo today.

Pisces avoid vices and bad habits today. Rethink and evaluate your in the world and remind yourself that you are an example. Don't let others look on you with disfavor.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for March 2013Horoscope for Yesterday March 17 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow March 19 2013