Horoscope for June 7 2018
The Moon moves into action-driven Aries today, prompting everyone to get a jump on plans and goals. It seems as though there is a renewed sense of purpose in the air, and it will be very easy to get things done and make progress on projects. This is the perfect time to form collaborations and alliances, as everyone will be in the mood to help out for the greater good. Discover what lies ahead for your sign, below!

Things don't always go according to your plans, Aries. You may have some very specific ideas about how a certain situation will unfold; however, you run the risk of being too rigid with your expectations. Take a moment to be honest with yourself about whether it's really necessary for you to control every minute detail. Try to focus more on the product, not the process.

Taurus, you would bend over backward for anyone close to you. When it comes to generosity, you are one of the most giving signs in the zodiac. Unfortunately, not everyone is a worthy recipient of your compassion. Beware of someone who is trying to take advantage of your good-natured ways instead of pulling their own weight. It may be time to cut them loose.

Geminis could find themselves dreaming the day away. Your imagination is a very powerful tool, and you often use your powerful mind to escape a less-than-ideal situation. While there's certainly nothing wrong with a little escapism here and there, make sure you come back down to Earth at some point. Remember, you have a life that must be lived!

You could be lacking motivation today, Cancer. You can be a bit slow to start when it comes to certain projects, especially ones you are less than enthusiastic about. Try to find something positive to look forward to at the completion of this task. This may help to motivate you and get the wheels set into motion!

Leo, slow and steady wins the race. Unfortunately, you're not especially inclined to be patient and wait your turn. Your naturally competitive side comes out when you look around and see that others are making progress but you're not. You'll do good to keep your eye on the prize and simply trust that you are heading in the right direction. Don't expect immediate results.

Virgos could find themselves starting a new chapter today. The Moon has moved into your 8th House of Death and Regeneration, prompting you to shed the old, useless parts of your life and start fresh. This is a great time to take stock of your hopes, wishes, and plans for the future. A little preparation can go a long way toward helping you reach your goals!

You simply can't be two places at once, Libra. You may find that you have two conflicting events today, both of which you would love to be a part of. But you are going to run yourself ragged if you insist on fitting both in. You may have to gracefully bow out of one of these commitments. Ask yourself which one seems impossible to miss, and you will have your answer!

Scorpio, you desperately want a certain person or thing in your life right now. It may seem as though this is all you can think about and you are becoming a bit obsessive with your thoughts and actions. Try to relax a little bit and refocus your attention elsewhere. You may find that the object of your desire comes your way the moment you stop your passionate pursuit.

Sagittarians may find that they are missing something from their past today. This could be something you think about with a great deal of nostalgia. While the experience was certainly wonderful, it's time for you to accept that you have entered a new phase in your life, with many exciting people to meet and places to go. Don't focus so much on the past-good things are sure to come!

You might be feeling overly negative about a certain situation today. It seems as though a switch has gone off in your mind and you are only able to view the situation in a certain light. Try to reframe your thoughts to allow for a little more open-minded thinking. Situations are rarely black and white-there's often plenty of grays!

Aquarius, you have an important decision ahead of you. This could be one that changes the course of your future, so it's best you put a great deal of thought into it. Take some time to carefully consider each option as well as the pros and cons of each situation. With a little critical thinking you will find that the right answer has been in front of you the whole time!

Pisces, you could use a break from it all! Neptune, the planet of sensitivity and insight, has moved into your 1st House of Self, causing you to feel a bit more introspective than usual. Give yourself permission to retreat from the world and its many demands. You may find that some time in solitude is exactly what you need to get your life back on track.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for June 2018Horoscope for Yesterday June 6 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow June 8 2018