Horoscope for June 28 2018
Today is the last day the Moon will be in stable Capricorn. It's time to finish up any outstanding projects and commitments! The time is right for productivity and progress. Mercury moves into outgoing Leo today, and everyone could be feeling a bit more gregarious than usual. It's the perfect time to reach out and try to make new friends! Everyone will be focusing on the positive side of life. Read on to discover what's in store for your sign, below!

Aries, you could find that you are taking the lead on a creative project today. Mercury, the planet of action and communication, has moved into your 5th House of Creativity. This will be a winning combination that is sure to lead to much success at work. Ideas will flow freely and effortlessly, and you are sure to be admired for your vision and innovation.

You could be a bit more sensitive than usual today, Taurus. It seems as though you are feeling everything a little more deeply. You may want to look within yourself to try to find the reason for this change in processing. It could be the case that you haven't fully dealt with something that's hiding in your past. It's best to get it all out in the open.

Geminis could find that they need to be very clear about their intentions today. There's a chance wires could get crossed when you least expect it! Do whatever necessary to ensure that your thoughts and words are lining up as much as possible. You will find that the day runs much more smoothly as a result of your care and consideration!

Cancer, today is a great day to focus on your relationship! The Moon is in your 7th House of Marriage and Partnership, prompting you to spend time with the person who means the most to you. There's no problem a little reconnection can't solve! If you aren't currently attached to anyone, this is a great time to get out there and make things happen. The stars are on your side!

Goodbyes can be quite difficult, Leo. You may find yourself in the position of having to part with someone or something you care deeply about. Try to remember that this is all a natural part of life. You must move on gracefully in order to accept what is to come! Pay homage to this place and experience and then let it go. Try to find excitement in the unknown!

Virgo, you have a hardworking spirit. You often find it very difficult to simply sit back and take it easy. However, sometimes it's very necessary to take a breather! You simply can't function on overdrive all of the time. Make playing just as much a priority as working! If you approach fun with the same enthusiasm you approach work, you may just find that you are quite adept at both!

Libras could find themselves in a tricky situation today. Someone close to you seems to be making a big mistake, but the power structure at play makes it difficult for you to bring anything up. There's a tactful way around this situation. Try to present your feedback as merely a suggestion or observation instead of an order. You will find that you get further by leaving the choice up to them.

You're a person who knows your skill set, Scorpio. No one is better at delving deep into an issue and uncovering the truth. Put your talents to good use today by getting involved with an exciting project at work or at school. You will find that your mind is stimulated and exercised in all of the right ways! You also may help to uncover some important information. It's a win-win!

Sagittarius, sometimes you simply have to accept imperfection. You may want a certain situation to play out just the way you have envisioned. But the truth of the matter is, real life is often very messy and it seldom goes according to our plans! Try to find beauty in the disorderly and unplanned nature of life. That's where most of the magic happens, anyways!

The best things in life are felt, Capricorn. It's easy to covet exciting experiences and extravagant material items. But, when it's all said and done, you will remember how certain people made you feel. Use this perspective to make an upcoming important decision in your life. If you listen to your heart, it will never lead you astray.

Aquarius, you may find yourself feeling a bit down today. The Moon is in your 12th House of Self-Undoing, and you are focused a bit on the negative side of life. It's completely fine to allow yourself to feel the whole spectrum of emotion-this is all a very healthy part of life. Just make sure you don't allow yourself to wallow! You will be happier if you are able to process these emotions and move on.

Pisceans could find themselves thinking about the nature of romantic love today. It's certainly wonderful to find someone with whom you are compatible and relate to on multiple levels. But you absolutely cannot count on this person to fulfill your every need. That's far too much pressure to place on one person! Make sure you are living a well-rounded life. You will both feel better for it.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for June 2018Horoscope for Yesterday June 27 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow June 29 2018