Horoscope for June 12 2018
Changes are ahead today! The Moon moves into sociable Gemini, prompting everyone to get out there and connect with friends old and new! Mercury moves into sentimental Cancer, making this the perfect time for loving communication! Everyone will be focused on community and building relationships. This is a great time to venture outside your comfort zone. Discover what lies ahead for you, below!

Life truly is wonderful, Aries! You are in the mood to marvel at the splendor of all this world has to offer. The triumphs, the pain, the pleasures and the setbacks-they all seem to have their own unique purpose when looked at from a higher perspective. You don't have to know the plan every step of the way; just have faith that things are working out exactly as they should be!

Taurus, you may be feeling a bit tied to the physical world right now. The Moon is in your 2nd House of Possessions, prompting you to focus on the acquisition of material goods and enjoyment of food and drink. Don't underestimate the pleasures of the body, but keep in mind their intimate connection to the pleasures of the spirit. The joining of these two realms is the place for true joy and contentment.

Geminis may find themselves feeling a bit left out today. It seems as though everyone close to you has been included in something that seems to have passed you over. Take comfort in the fact that everyone feels this way from time to time. Busy yourself with your own plans and goals and you will soon find that you are no longer focused on what other people have. You'll be much happier for it!

You may feel as though you are a victim of discrimination today, Cancer. Someone could be acting on some preconceived notions about you and your intentions. Don't settle for this kind of black and white thinking. You deserve to be honored for the complete and complex person you are! Move on with the knowledge that a better fit is out there!

Leo, sometimes it's hard not to wonder what could have been. You could find yourself taking a trip down memory lane today. It seems as though your life could have taken a very different course than the one on which you currently find yourself. Take comfort in the fact that this is all part of the beauty and mystery of existence. Trust that things are unfolding according to your own unique purpose and plan.

Virgos could find themselves having an important conversation with a friend today. Mercury is in your 11th House of Hopes/Wishes/Friends, and you may find that the two of you are connecting on a deeper level than ever before. Allow yourself to become immersed in the sharing of advice and ideas. Relationships such as this one are truly a gift!

You may find yourself searching for inspiration today, Libra. It could seem as though life is a bit dull at the moment and you may be seeking adventure and excitement. Just be sure your cravings aren't leading you down an unhappy path. Boredom and restlessness can sometimes result in hasty and unhealthy decisions. Try to stay on the straight and narrow.

Scorpio, you know yourself very well. You know what you need to lead a happy and productive life, and you know what will only serve to drag you down in the future. Everyone has their own unique set of strengths and weaknesses. This information is a true gift in guiding you down the path you were meant to travel. Trust that you are headed in the right direction.

Change can be difficult, Sagittarius. Even if it's something that you desperately wanted and needed, it's still a shock to the system. You could find yourself dealing with a certain change or new reality today. Give your body and mind some time to catch up with this sudden shift in circumstances. You will soon find that you gain your footing once again.

Capricorns could find themselves standing up for what they want today. You are a very strong person, and there's nothing you hate more than feeling like you are being backed into a corner. Do whatever it takes to make your opinions and wishes known. Your message will be received loud and clear, and you will feel proud of your ability to stand on your own two feet.

Aquarius, you are feeling a jolt of inspiration today. The Moon is in your 5th House of Creativity, giving you a renewed sense of motivation to work on a project. Whether this endeavor is at home or at work, you are sure to feel connected to this task on a personal and spiritual level. Enjoy the feeling of being at one with your work!

Sometimes you simply have to choose what's going to make your happy, Pisces. You have been trying to force yourself into a certain role that doesn't seem like it fits. Well, you're through with pretending that you're something you're not. It's time to be true to yourself and your wishes and live the life you've imagined. Your time is now!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for June 2018Horoscope for Yesterday June 11 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow June 13 2018