Horoscope for July 29 2017
The twenty-ninth of July sees a moon continuing to wax through the house of Libra. While the dark side of this sign, those under its influence do tend to show a genuine desire for helping others, even in the absence of chaos. Natives of all signs should try to help others when the need arises and avoid interceding when their help is not called for.

Children of Aries may be able to help themselves by helping others today. Natives of this sign are often unwilling to cooperate with others, leading them to have more difficulty with increased autonomy. By helping others, natives of this sign may find their own loads lighter.

Taureans should consider helping or advising others, should anyone ask. Natives of this sign are often masters of their trade, though their preference for isolation may rob others of expertise. Lending a helping hand may place others in the Taurean's debt, however.

Natives of Gemini may have an opportunity to play Libra today. Natives of this sign tend to be very social, meaning that they are often already aware of problems experienced by those around them. Furthermore, Geminis are often more approachable than Librans.

Cancerians who stay within their family and social groups should find themselves quite useful today. Natives of this sign often have very tight bonds with family members and close friends, eliminating many of the barriers that can get between others.

Leos are advised to wait until asked to offer help. Like Librans, Leos often like to help others. Unlike Librans, Leos often assume that everyone else needs help, which can cause some Leos to come off as overbearing or nosy.

Virgoans should consider passing on some of their knowledge or methods. Children of this sign often work alone because no one else knows how to do what they do, and the reclusive Virgoans seldom explain it. Not only does this put more on the Virgoans, but it also puts those around them at risk should anything happen to the Virgoan.

Librans may want to think about taking some time off of Libra duty to work. Children of this sign often take time away from their regular obligations to help others, but today people are likely to be solving their own problems, which can be relieving for Librans and instructional for everyone else.

Scorpios should try to be understanding and patient with others, and hold back their stingers. Children of this sign are often easily offended, and react accordingly. Today when people are likely standing in line to give them advice that they didn't ask for, Scorpios are a little too likely to harm people who only mean them well.

Sagittarians should not shy away from giving advice, and they most likely will be called upon to do so. Children of this sign often value experiential knowledge, making them good fivers of advice, and they are often recognized as wise, if aloof, making them popular advice givers.

Children of Capricorn should try not to be too defensive today. Natives of this sign are not known for over-reacting, but they can be very protective of their turf and their methods. They do tend to be very ambitious, however, and a diversity of opinion can help please the most people.

Aquarians are advised to remember that they don't necessarily speak for everyone. Children of this sign tend to think that they understand the world very completely, and may be unpleasantly surprised if they give the wrong advice to the wrong person.

Natives of Pisces should try out being Librans for a while today. Natives of this sign tend to be very understanding of others, which can make them great at giving advice. They should remember, however, that children of this sign can become confused if they think on one topic for too long.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for July 2017Horoscope for Yesterday July 28 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow July 30 2017