Horoscope for July 11 2017
The eleventh of July sees a waning moon enter the house of Aquarius. While natives of this sign are often seen as troublemakers, those under the influence of this sign tend to be genuinely interested in creating positive systemic change for the good of all. Natives of all signs are advised to be sure that they act on behalf of all people, and that they not commit themselves to anything that they can't keep up with.

Natives of Aries should try to move slowly today, at least when they are not at their work. Natives of this sign tend to be highly energetic and impulsive, making them perhaps the most likely to launch themselves into projects that they lose interest in when the moon moves into another house in a few days.

Taureans should be particularly careful when choosing tasks today, as while natives of other signs are likely to pick up and quickly drop projects, Taureans are more likely to pick up projects and then not drop them, but instead, try to cram more into their already tight schedules.

Natives of Gemini should consider advocating movements, rather than working in them. Children of this sign tend to be very social beings not known for their responsibility, so while taking on more volunteer work may not be beneficial in the long run, natives of this sign will always be willing to talk about their beliefs.

Cancerians should be sure that they are willing to put their money where their mouths are when they speak up. Natives of this sign can be quite passionate about something, but still be too nervous or shy to defend that position if questioned, especially by a native of a combative sign like Taurus or Aquarius.

Leos should remember that other people do not always see them in the way that they see themselves. Natives of this sign often assume certain responsibilities and assume that these responsibilities will give them more authority. To successfully pull rank, one must actually have a higher rank.

Virgoans who do not want to commit themselves to a cause of their own should consider advising someone else. Children of this sign tend to have good heads for details, and for thinking into the future - both abilities that others lack, but which could come in handy today.

Librans should consider letting disputed work themselves out today. Natives of this sign often interfere when others disagree, but on a day when everyone has the group's best interests on top, maybe it would be best to let certain ideas naturally rise to the surface.

Children of Scorpio should focus on their passions rather than their fears today. Children of this sign are likely to jump in the way of every movement that they don't completely agree with, and this is most often less productive than promoting one's own ideas.

Sagittarians should consider offering their advice to temper the goals of others. Children of this sign often value personal experience more than the natives of other signs, and when the moon is in an idealistic house, sometimes others need to be reminded of what has and has not worked in the past.

Children of Capricorn may want to consider representing the present system. Those under the influence of Aquarius are often in favor of upsetting the status quo without necessarily looking too deeply into whether it works. Natives of this sign are often good at defending their ground and may do better good doing than looking for new ground.

Aquarians should try to use restraint today. Natives of this sign can tend to become so upset with the way that things are that they look to change things without having an end goal or may look for issues when they feel complacent, and neither of these activities is productive.

Natives of Pisces should try to equate their work with something that they deeply care about. Natives of this sign often have trouble staying focused, but if they see their work as a contributing factor in a larger system, they may find themselves more able to stay on task.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for July 2017Horoscope for Yesterday July 10 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow July 12 2017