Horoscope for July 20 2017
On the twentieth of July, the moon wanes into the house of Gemini. This sign is most often characterized by the desire to be social. While natives of this sign have likely found ways to curb their talkative habits to remain productive, natives of other houses who find themselves under the influence of Gemini today may have a hard time staying focused. Children of all signs should try to remain dedicated to the task at hand.

Natives of Aries should try to capitalize on the moon in Gemini by talking a little more than usual. Natives of this sign are often very action-oriented, which can lead them to miss out on opportunities for help from others. Today should be a good day to build bridges.

Taureans tend to be very solitary people today, and while the moon isn't large enough to change that fact, natives of this sign may be able to act a little more like a human today. The Taurean that engages in some kind of social activity may find themselves enjoying it more than they may have expected.

Children of Gemini are often social, and this is likely to be even more true of them today. Natives of this sign should consider engaging in productive activities that require language, like making phone calls or holding meetings.

Cancerians are usually able to stay focused at work, and should certainly capitalize on the moon in Gemini while on their own time. Natives of this sign should spend some quality time calling far-off loved ones or spending time conversing with those nearby.

Children of Leo should try to control themselves today. Natives of this sign tend to be very talkative on any given day, and are more likely than the natives of other signs to talk too much today. At least try to talk about varied subjects and avoid dominating the conversation.

Virgoans are typically quiet people and are not likely to feel very chatty with so slight a moon in Gemini. They may want to do some activities that do not need to be done all at once, as they are likely to be distracted by others.

Librans are likely to encounter some issues in others today, simply because there are so many words going about, some of them are likely to cause trouble. Natives of this sign are likely to find it fairly easy to deal with these problems, however, as they too should have an easy time speaking.

Scorpios should be careful not to take things too seriously, as people are likely to say a lot of things today, and over-reacting has never improved any situation. Children of this sign should consider being a part of the conversation rather than a victim of it.

Sagittarians are not likely to feel particularly social today, but will likely be able to take advantage of how social everyone else is. Once the Sagittarian has completed the day's transactions, however, they are encouraged to return to their beloved solitude to recharge for tomorrow.

Natives of Capricorn should consider rubbing shoulders with bosses and supervisors. Natives of this sign are often very ambitious, and while taking a day to the network can slow down their actual work, it will likely be a worthwhile investment of their time.

Aquarians will likely take advantage of this day to spread the word about whatever word they think needs spreading. Natives of this sign are often very dedicated to social or political causes and enjoy spreading the word, but should know that others will be more interested in talking than listening today.

Children of Pisces should try to shut the door and turn off the lights today. Natives of this sign are often very easily distracted, and the world is likely to be very distracting today, so any tricks to stay focused should help.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for July 2017Horoscope for Yesterday July 19 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow July 21 2017