Horoscope for November 5 2014
November 5th people closest to you need careful handling today. If you are in a small argument at the moment be very soft when speaking or walking around them. You may accuse them of being difficult in your mind, but they are saying the same things about you. Don't start hurling accusations around the room.

Aries, great day for bringing a difficult situation to a closing. If you have had sleepless night recently due to this problem you can look for a restful sleep tonight. Stand up to someone who is trying to intimidate you. Do wht needs to be done.

Taurus, you hate to be told what to do and this causes problems with people in authority. Tension is never far away from your life. If you get a traffic ticket today, do make sure you are not argumentative with the law officer.

Gemini be smart today and do everything you can to avoid arguments. Listen carefully and be very careful in how you respond. Save your relationship by being compassionate and understanding.

Cut corners at home to save money Cancer. Use your talents and connections to get ahead. A second job may not be totally fun, but it will bring money to the bank account.

Leo, take care of responsibilities today. You cannot rest today so accomplish as much as you can. Restrain your spending habits. You do not have the money to be spontaneous.

Avoid making promises you have no intention of keeping Virgo. Use your time wisely and make good on pledges. If you want to keep your pristine reputation you cannot lie about a situation. There are those who want you to look bad and are looking for any reason to bring your down.

Libra, you love to spend time with family and choice friends. Make plans to be with them over the holidays. Thanksgiving is coming up; start today inviting people to your home.

Share ideas today. You have quite a bit to offer in the way of creative ideas. Stir up interest in your pet projects. Check the fine print on contracts before you close a deal Scorpio.

Sagittarius, when making decisions let your intuition be your guide. There are unusual changes at home today and they will bring you close to someone you haven't seen in a long time. Be very open to suggestions about dinner tonight.

Stay out in the open with your ideas and be upfront when discussing what you would like to do Capricorn. Build a personal life of stability and strength by sticking to the truth. Be reasonable when making promises.

A new relationship is yours for the taking. Do take one step at a time. Avoid revealing too much about yourself. Stay mysterious for a bit. Don't blurt out your opinions, but wait until you are sure what you can say Aquarius.

Go back to school and learn a new language today Pisces. You will have to use this language in the very near future. Travel is in the cards. Get excited!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for November 2014Horoscope for Yesterday November 4 2014
Horoscope for Tomorrow November 6 2014