Horoscope for November 21 2014
November 21st, take part in intellectual discussions. You love arguing in intellectual debates. You may need to leave the country if you voice your opinions too much!

Look difficult situations in the face today Aries and discuss them with those who can help you. Great day for getting involved in a political endeavor. Make sure know what you are doing.

Get down to the nitty gritty of business today Taurus. Don't lose your sense of humor but keep in mind that you need to get all chores out of the way. Avoid cutting corners.

Easy time today for getting things done without effort. Friends and family are cooperative, helpful and know what you are doing. Life is nice and flows along like a lazy river Gemini.

Be tidy and organized and you won't misplace things Cancer. This might be easier said than done since you are distracted and your thoughts are wandering. Take a nap this afternoon.

Leo today is full of pitfalls both emotionally and career wise. You are convinced you are right, but it is hard to get others to believe you.

Avoid financial transactions at all costs today Virgo. You will not come out on top. If you ask someone to lend you money, be prepared to feel guilty.

Libra, avoid jealousy today. You may think it is justified but it will drive a potential mate away. Be open minded and fair to your new relationship partner.

Things are not working out how you want them today Scorpio. You reach a crisis point in your life and you can't continue on with the present situation. You may have to be cruel to be kind, more forceful, or more dynamic.

You will need to be very gentle today with a relationship partner. Speak quietly and find the potential problems. Your feelings are changing and you want to be on top of the emotions Sagittarius.

Your best friend, Capricorn, is convinced they are in the right. They don't care how they hurt you to get their point across. This is not pleasant. Don't let anyone treat you like this. Stand up and stick to your point.

Aquarius an intimate relationship is so wonderful today. It is an awesome experience. Beware of becoming obsessive about someone, however. Possessiveness will threaten your sense of security.

Pisces, re-evaluate your business relationships today. Relationships go through testing and you may decide the state of your partner is not what you want. If you need to make major adjustments, do so immediately.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for November 2014Horoscope for Yesterday November 20 2014
Horoscope for Tomorrow November 22 2014