Horoscope for January 6 2014
January 6th reevaluate your relationships today. Give yourself a reality check to see if you are doing the right things in your romantic and professional relationships. Listen to people and communicate with them Think about what they need and want from you. Hear what they say. It is a healthy time to re-evaluate relationships and plan where to go from here.

Aries in-depth conversions will give you clues on how to finish assignments. People will be very chatty with you today. Be a listening rock. Those in your office want to know you better and learn about what you are thinking about assignments and plans. Be diplomatic.

Activity all around you will keep you busy and entertained today Taurus. You have high energy to get everything done that needs to be completed. Follow your urges to leap into the center of action. Sway those around you and be a hero.

Keep your head out of the clouds today Gemini. You have upcoming travel plans that are distracting, but it is more important for you to stay focused on the job at hand. Do not think about tomorrow, you have assignments today. Live in the moment.

Upper management is coming to inspect your projects today. Approach this challenge with confidence. Don't fight others for the limelight. Just get things started and let your actions be your guide. Give up your share of the attention. Don't worry, upper management knows what you have been doing Cancer.

No compromise for you today. That is not all bad; you just need to ignore those who are being childish. Move from their area and just go off on our own. You will happier if you don't have to listen to others Leo.

They just hired your best friend as your supervisor Virgo. Be happy. Smile. Bite our tongue. Establish ground rules before tings get out of hand and complicated. Have a serious conversation and let them know where you are coming from.

Try not to be stubborn when dealing with office mates today Libra. You may not think that cooperating will get you anywhere, but it actually will be the best policy. Realize that it is easier to "catch flies with honey than vinegar" so be who you are and just do your job.

Zooming around and getting nowhere is highly counterproductive Scorpio. Slow down. See the pros and cons of every issue. Don't be awful to yourself if you cannot make a definitive decision today. See issues in a positive light and focus on what needs to be done, not how to do it.

Watch who you talk to today Sagittarius. Business dealings with the wrong people will get you into trouble. Major red flags are popping up. Avoid instant gratification and be patient. Work and save for what you need instead of spending right now.

You are talking but no one is listening. This is frustrating but don't start yelling and making a scene. If you are being misinterpreted you need to clarify your words. Stop and think about what you are doing before you speak today Capricorn.

Service to others is the key to making you feel better Aquarius. Find someone who needs help. Be a positive force in someone's life by lending a listening ear. You might also be called on to give up your shoulder as a crying pad.

You inner life is perfectly balanced today Pisces in intellect and creativity. You think up great ideas to help others and you know how to make them happen. Offer suggestions to a group and give them help. Don't keep quiet about what you know.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2014Horoscope for Yesterday January 5 2014
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 7 2014