Horoscope for January 28 2014
January 28th because of the cold and dreary month of January you are longing for adventure and far off warm places. Plan for a getaway in the next few weeks. This can be a magical time when the sky is low and the clouds are full. Read, listen and mediate. Finish all the chores that are assigned to you and accomplish more in your intellectual life than in your physical one.

Invite friends over for a social even that will cheer up your day. Bring in fun foods and something different that your friends have not experienced for quite some time. Transform your idea for a little dinner party into a big bash. Do give enough time for friends to get to your home Aries.

Systems are on high alert today Taurus. Maximize the tension in your life and take care of the problems. You are trying to do too much without having someone by our side. There is much to do and you are finding that without someone by your side you are failing. Finish what you promised and leave no stones unturned.

Don't be secretive today Gemini. Let our coworkers know exactly what you are up to. Be motivated to get though issues and take the time to live for yourself. You have great knowledge and it is you secret weapon. The future is quickly arriving and will bite you if you are not prepared.

What you say will be very emotional. If you are not feeling kindly toward someone, avoid them. Feelings are going back and forth between sadness and a sense of relief. Go with the flow of the universe and gain power to keep yourself going. You will feel better when it stops hurting, Cancer.

Share your feelings with someone else today Leo. It will be exhausting but it will also create movements of deepening intimacy. Talk about how you feel and ask for help. Let someone in your life know that they are being excessively selfish and only thinking of their own happiness. Let them know that it is time you were let go.

Increase your financial stability Virgo by finding ways to cut back on unnecessary expenses. Learn how to budget and the more your wealth will increase. Take someone's feelings into consideration if you are finishing up projects and issues at work. Take coworkers to lunch and talk to them about cooperation.

You will have no one understanding the depth of your feelings. It is better to keep them private until you find someone else. Cleansing wounds of emotional trials are necessary today Libra. Heal your wounds before taking on any other emotional challenges.

Great expectations are on your plate Scorpio. You have other things that you would rather do, however. Sorry. You need to finish career responsibilities before you can go skiing or snowboarding or whatever you want to do. It is great to think about activities that are fun, but it is better to be responsible.

Maintain boundaries with your relationship partner Sagittarius. Conserve your energy to connect with that someone you truly want to be with. Let them know where you are coming from and don't be dramatic about it. Give them time and attention and build your relationship.

Your family and friends are bothering you today? Capricorn. You have complicated emotions and there is no easy way to get through them. Your inner voice asks you to just hold your breath and let the emotions pass you by. Yet, you have another voice that suggests that you just run away. Neither of these solutions is what you need to do. Listen and nod your head.

Relax and share more of yourself and your world with others today Aquarius. Things should be left unsaid in a relationship but don't waste time worrying about these issues. If things feel right just smile and say what's in your heart and on your mind. Be kind.

The current situation is what important Pisces. Stop worrying about what you really know is happening. Mix up fantasy with reality, but know what is right and wrong. Convince other's to believe in you. You do have good advice. Avoid relationships that are based on optimism or unproven situations.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2014Horoscope for Yesterday January 27 2014
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 29 2014