Horoscope for May 19 2013
May 19th although you may find that facts are difficult to hear, you need to listen. If you find that you are lacking in things that you do, find a way to make them better. By being proactive today you will get more done and those around you will be more willing to help.

Take advantage of what is good in life Aries. If it is the simple smile of a child go with that. If you find that you need more than just a smile, go outside and create our own magic.

There is quite a bit of confusion in your mind today Taurus. You may think of it as struggling to see the details. It is almost like looking through frosted glass. You think you have all the thoughts and reasons right, but your haste may lead to inaccurate decisions.

Words are unnecessary today Gemini as you work with a relative or love interest. You are trying to get a project done and make your plans accordingly. Minds are close together and secret smiles are awesome.

Cancer after today you will have a bit of a bitter pill to swallow. All the kind works of the last few days seem to melt and you are now the subject of angry and vicious lies. Try not to be disheartened. Move with it; tomorrow will be much better.

You might just want to dream of living in another place Leo. You think things will be happy ever after. Remember who you are and that you are supposed to work harder than anyone to get back to the good things in your life.

Be kind today Virgo and let critical stones and arrows glace off you. You are very vulnerable to all the criticisms that you are being hit with and now is the time to grow a thick skin. Do not be weak.

Libra today is a day to stop the flowery language and try for absolute clarity about a situation. You need to define the parameters of both your relationship and your personal life. It may not be romantic, but it will start to form a solid foundation.

Scorpio, try and not be so generous with your money today. You want to help everyone and you have actually gone out and bought flowers for the neighborhood. Not to worry however, you will be repaid back many more times.

Felling frisky today Sagittarius? Keep positive control over your emotions today and if you flirt do so without neediness. Just have fun and things might just go farther than you think.

Capricorn put aside the self-doubt in your mind today. You will be a positive influence on those you are around today. You have been asked to teach a class in spirituality and you will be great.

Aquarius you might want to impress others today by overcompensating. This can be money time or boundless energy. You do not need to demonstrate what you can do; just do it.

Pisces you are very grounded and prepared to do what needs to be done today. You exude authority and everyone around is trusting in your intuition and intelligence. Your quiet confidence is at an all time high. You can do it.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for May 2013Horoscope for Yesterday May 18 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow May 20 2013