Horoscope for May 16 2013
May 16th Persistent obstacles today will melt on their own. There will be a few obstacles that will change your plans, but these will be minor and your plans can continue as you wanted. You know what your plans are; take care.

Situations today Aries appear worse than they really are. This problems warrant no more from you than shaking your head and asking what is wanted. Most of the problems will dissipate by this afternoon.

Taurus you will have something that will test your loyalty today. You have high attraction to your current partner but it may become stale when new interests come into light. Do not sign up for long term commitments. Change your range of taste.

Gemini, support your dreams today with concrete action. You want a great deck? Build it yourself. Don't use all you savings to either purchase or build something that you will never use.

Approach business and professional relationships with a keen mind and an open eye today Cancer. You may need to interject a spark of passions into an idea, a relationship or a project. Keep your eyes and ears open to suggestions that will make things easier for you to accomplish.

All you best efforts today Leo will cause you to bite your tongue. You need to withhold the truth of things. If you make a passing remarked that hints to a secret you will have broken a trust.

Yea, Virgo a new adventure today. You need to consider giving this new adventure full consideration. It may be travel, work assignments or you are asked to chair an event. Whatever the adventure you choose make it work to your advantage.

Libra, look hard at your relationship. If you are unhappy with the situation, either face it or be honest and leave. You will do what is right.

Scorpio you will project a false sense of sufficiency and safety today. You are not rally where you want to be in life and leaving is your only decision. Think again about who you really are.

You sex appeal soars today Sagittarius. You are not the flirtatious type but today this will change. You might become confused about what you are doing, but take the initiative. Just do it.

You will be at the end of your patience today Capricorn. Resist losing your temper. Everyone else is very on edge and stressed. It is the pressure from your coworkers, and your job. Show empathy. Begin to heal tomorrow when the project is finished and all the caustic word has been said.

You are being rather incorporative today Aquarius. It this appeals to you, okay. Go with being uncooperative. Just remember that when you ask for help you will probably not get it.

Pisces you will have a very emotional exchange today with someone very near and dear to you today. Maybe you might not want to associate with anyone you love today to avoid this exchange. It will not be pretty and may not be resolved.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for May 2013Horoscope for Yesterday May 15 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow May 17 2013