Horoscope for March 30 2018
Today is all about equality and diplomacy. The Moon moves into pleasure-loving Libra, and it's smooth sailing for the near future. The industrious of the past few days has melted away and everyone is focused on having a good time. Venus also moves into Taurus, providing a stable, loving energy for all. Discover what's in store for your sign, below!

Aries, you are all about partnering up today! Two heads are certainly better than one and you are all about combining efforts to solve a problem. You will feel empowered by feeding off the energy of your partner and you may even learn a few valuable lessons in the process. Sharing is caring, and knowledge is power!

Love is in the air today, Taurus, and it feels vaguely familiar. Venus has moved into your 1st House of Self, and you are all about focusing on number one today. That's right, it's time to fall in love with yourself and appreciate all you have to offer this world. Confidence starts from within, and nothing is more attractive!

Geminis may have to get creative with their resources today. You have a task to complete but you don't have many things available to help you complete that task. It's time to get back to basics. You already have everything you need to complete the challenge. Use your sharp mind and unmatched with and you can't go wrong!

You are feeling drawn toward your favorite place, Cancer-home! It's time to put on your favorite sweatpants, make a cup of tea, and get serious about relaxation! The world just seems to be too much right now and you are ready to shut it all out in favor of a relaxing bath or good book. Dream away!

Leo, perhaps you are being a bit too hard on someone from your past. It's possible this person has recently resurfaced and is now trying to make amends. While you may not be open to it at first, try to see things from this person's point of view. It's likely they were in a very different place when those events took place.

Virgos could feel a little unsettled by the unknown right now. There are many factors at play in your life right now, and the future seems blurry at best. You simply need to have faith that you are making the right choices in this moment. All you can do is live for today and prepare for the tomorrow-the rest is out of your hands.

Sometimes a little attitude adjustment is all that is needed to change your perspective, Libra. Is the glass half empty, or is it really half full? Change the way you look at the world and you can change your life! Start by reframing small things, and then move on to bigger matters. So much of life is up for interpretation. Isn't that refreshing?

Scorpios are feeling a bit disconnected from their loved ones right now. Perhaps certain circumstances are in place that is keeping you further away than you would like. There are so many technologies that can literally bring your loved ones into the palm of your hands, if you so desire. It's time to get connected! You will feel so much better.

It's time to take care of yourself, Sagittarius. There are a few warning signs regarding your health that you have been ignoring. It's best you deal with these now before they become a bigger issue. It may seem scary, but the wise thing to do is make an appointment and get a good idea of what you're dealing with. It may be the case that a few small lifestyle adjustments correct the issue.

Capricorn, you are feeling optimistic about the future right now. You have been through a lot in the past few months and this has only proved to strengthen your resolve and your belief in yourself. Anything is possible, and you truly believe that you can get through any hardship life throws your way. What a wonderful feeling!

Don't give up on your dream, Aquarius. Other people may call you foolish or say that you should throw in the towel, but they don't know what you are made of! You have an amazing ability to believe the unbelievable, and this is precisely why you will succeed at whatever you put your mind to. Keep the faith!

Pisces, it's time for a blast from the past! You are feeling drawn to the music and memories from your younger years, and the sounds couldn't be sweeter. There is something so satisfying about how a song can take us back to an exact place in time. Cherish these fond memories and keep looking back every once in a while!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for March 2018Horoscope for Yesterday March 29 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow March 31 2018