Horoscope for March 17 2018
Change is in the air today! The Moon moves into adventurous Aries, prompting a general mood of exploration and initiative. With Mercury and Venus also in Aries, fiery energy abounds and there's certainly motivation to spare. Everyone is in the mood to tackle projects and get started on new endeavors. It's a wonderful time to begin a new project-or relationship! Read on to discover more!

It's all about you today, Aries! You have been a rock star in both the professional and personal realms recently, and it seems as though you can do no wrong. Just take care to not let this success go to your head. There are a natural ebb and flow to life and what goes up will certainly come down at some point. Be mindful of the ride.

Taurus, you are in a bit of a funk today. The Moon has moved into your 12th House of Self Undoing and it seems as though you are focused on everything that could go wrong. Try your best to remain positive and try to see the world with a rosier outlook. You have the power to change your life for the better-you have to think it to believe it!

Geminis are stuck in their own little world today. You are known to be a bit of a space cadet from time to time, and today is no exception! Watch out for misinterpreted conversations and potential missteps. That mind of yours is working overtime and you could really use a reality break. Take a few deep breathes and try to come back down to earth.

You have the opportunity to make some serious career moves today, Cancer. The stars have aligned and a big project or promotion is likely to come your way. Do what you can to prepare for this big change. While it's exciting, it could also be a bit disruptive. You would be wise to make sure all relevant parties are prepared and on board.

Haste makes waste, Leo. You may find yourself so eager to succeed that you end up making mistakes on a crucial project. Slow down and focus your attention. It's great to be on top of things, but not at the expense of quality. Try to be more deliberate with your actions.

Virgo, you have a calming presence about you. Sometimes, all you need to do is simply walk into a room and people breathe a sigh of relief. They know that you are dependable and reasonable, and you are simply the best friend a coworker anyone could ask for. You may be called upon to put out a few fires today, and you will likely do so with your signature blend of calm and assertiveness.

Just because someone is different than you, Libra, it doesn't automatically make them wrong. They may have their own way of doing certain tasks. You may not understand it or condone it-but that's the beauty of being an individual. They don't need your permission or approval. Try to relinquish control.

Scorpios could find themselves feeling extra sultry today. You have one thing on your mind today and you will stop at nothing to get it! Love is certainly in the air and you have all of your moves and advances planned out. You are sure to make quite an impression-just like you always do!

You are struggling with feeling overlooked today, Sagittarius. Whether at work or at home, your recent efforts on a certain project or relationship have seemingly gone unnoticed. Unfortunately, we don't always get immediate praise for the good deeds and work we do. Keep your head down and keep going; your efforts have not been in vain.

Capricorn, you could be called upon to settle a dispute at home today. Mercury is in your 4th House of Home, and there will likely be a good deal of talking and communication about this matter. Everyone will depend on your reasoning skills and rational manner to help work out this conflict. With you at the helm, anything is possible!

Aquarians could feel in over their head today. Recently you talked a big game about something you didn't' have much experience in, and now you have been called upon to show your expertise. Sometimes, you simply have to fake it until you make it. Use that brilliant mind of yours to come up with a clever solution.

You could make a love connection over a shared interest today, Pisces. This could be a much-beloved hobby or simply a topic that is near and dear to your heart. Either way, keep your eyes open because you are likely to meet someone who is every bit as passionate about this topic as you! Love is in the air, and a bond will surely be in your hearts.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for March 2018Horoscope for Yesterday March 16 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow March 18 2018