Horoscope for February 18 2018
The Moon moves into driven Aries today, and a can-do attitude prevails over all interactions. No task is too large today, and there seems to be an infinite amount of motivation to go around. It's the perfect day to go after what you really want! Everyone is feeling ambitious and optimistic. Coupled with Mars in enthusiastic Sagittarius, some healthy competition may even be in the air. Discover what's in store for your sign, below!

Aries, you are feeling a surge of inspiration today. You have recently been re-evaluating your life and your goals, and you feel like it is time to make some serious changes. Remember: you are capable of anything you put your mind to. You are the master of your own destiny, and it's time to get the results you want out of your life. The sky is the limit!

You may be feeling desire for something that isn't yours, Taurus. This could be something physical, or it could be a desire for an actual person who is in a relationship with someone else. Either way, this desire doesn't serve you well and it has become self-destructive. There is a reason this person or thing isn't in your life and it is because there's something far better out there for you. Keep the faith and move on.

Gemini, it's time to be honest with yourself about your true desires. Something in your current situation just isn't adding up, no matter how badly you want it to. Change sometimes takes more time and effort, but you will be better in the end if you take action now. You will end up in a situation that is more fulfilling. Choose happiness.

Cancer, you have a sense that something strange is going on at work right now. People could be acting in a very secretive manner and it has you on edge. Rest assured, this has nothing to do with your or your work performance. You should expect to see some changes in the near future, and your job responsibilities could be indirectly impacted. For now, keep your head down and do your job.

You are being called upon to expand your current way of thinking, Leo. The Moon has moved into your 9th House of Mental Exploration, and many of your long-held ideals are being turned on their head. Use this as a learning opportunity to truly assess your life and your values. Life is a never-ending lesson, and we would all be wise to learn as much as possible while we are here. You will be all the better for it.

Virgos may have to say goodbye to someone soon. This person may be moving on their life's journey, either literally or figuratively. Regardless, you are feeling sentimental about your connection to this person and are worried about their absence in your life. Remember, true friends never truly leave us. Make an effort to stay connected to this person and you will find that your bond is as strong as ever.

Libra, you are feeling very connected to your partner today. The two of you have had your fair share of ups and downs, and right now you are just really appreciating the strong bond you have forged. Take some time to really let them know how much they mean to you. If you aren't currently in a relationship, there's no time like the present to get out there and get busy! The stars are in your favor.

Your generosity is being tested today, Scorpio. Lately someone close to you has asked a great deal from you, both mentally and physically. You are happy to help, but you are beginning to feel as though you are being taken advantage of. Take a step back and distance yourself from this person. They will get the message that you aren't here solely to meet their needs, and you will rest a little easier.

You have a big idea, Sagittarius! This is something you feel could greatly improve your life and the lives of those close to you. Don't waste any time in sharing this idea with people in charge. You will be praised for your vision and foresight, and you may even get some recognition for your efforts. Either way, you'll be left with the satisfaction seeing your thoughts turned into action.

Capricorns could find themselves pulled toward home today. You are burned out from the hustle and bustle of the modern world, and you are yearning for the warm acceptance that comes from those who know you best. Take some time to get away and recharge with your nearest and dearest. The family is one of the greatest gifts the universe has to offer!

Aquarius, you have a way with words today. Your persuasive powers are in full force and it seems as though anything-or anyone-is within your reach. Capitalize on this gift and focus on something your heart deeply desires. You're sure to win hearts and minds alike, and you may just end up with a lasting prize for all of your efforts. Now is the time to act!

You are feeling very attached to something physical today, Pisces. This could be an object in your home that has great personal meaning, or it might be something that has been in your family for years. Either way, you are being pressured to part ways with this meaningful thing. It's perfectly natural to assign emotional significance to an object of great importance to you; however, you may need to ask yourself if this certain object is getting in the way of your present life. Remember, a memory lives on forever.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for February 2018Horoscope for Yesterday February 17 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow February 19 2018