Horoscope for October 21 2017
Today is a quiet day in the heavens, some welcome calm after the busy new moon and outer planet energy of the last few days. It's a time to process our experiences and feelings and to reflect on what we've learned, and to enjoy a well-earned retreat.

Your feelings may be intense today, affecting your choices and actions. Don't fight them, instead follow your instincts to express them as clearly as you can. Its a good day to put your energy into financial matters, especially any shared resources between you and your partner or any issues relating to inheritances.

Those closest to you may be feeling everything very intensely today, to the point of provoking emotional drama. You may not be comfortable with this, but try not to dig in and resist. Instead try to understand the feelings involved, on your part and that of the other person. Working through these issues can deepen the connection between you.

You may feel as if you are wading through treacle today, having to concentrate on time-consuming, tedious tasks or simply feeling stuck in a rut. This may feel especially draining, as you usually prefer a lighter approach to life and lots of change. Try to stick with it and complete your tasks, as you'll feel better for getting them out of the way.

Your imaginative powers are especially strong today, and its a good day for some creative work. You may also find yourself connecting with someone new, perhaps romantically or perhaps as a friend who can help you to achieve your goals. Go with your intuition and make sure they are all that they seem before you get too involved.

You may be called to retreat and self-reflection today, considering where you've come from and where you are going. Your vitality and creative energy may be focused inwardly, rather than outwardly as they usually are. Take some time to replenish your energies and to enjoy the chance to express yourself in a familiar environment such as your home.

Your energies may be focused on giving service today, and on using your work to help others. However you may be feeling reluctant to communicate, preferring to work in the background. Your perfectionist tendencies may come to the fore today, so try not to be too critical or yourself or of others. Instead, allow yourself to enjoy the process of learning.

You may be concerned with financial matters today, taking a calm and measured approach to deciding what will best enhance your wealth and sense of security. Remember that abundance is not just a material thing and that emotional abundance and leading a rich and creative life are just as important as having enough money.

Your emotions may be complex and even dramatic today, but you thrive on this intense energy and can use it to further your ambitions and make progress towards your goals. It's likely that you have little patience for those who take a superficial approach to life. Practical matters relating to your finances may be on the agenda today.

It's likely that you are feeling the need to retreat today, or at least to seek adventure somewhere quiet and hidden. The Scorpio Moon is an ideal time for some inner work, so take some time to explore your own innermost depths and you are likely to return with a new understanding, not just of yourself but of the world around you.

There may be intense feelings at play amongst your peers today, which can affect your sense of emotional security. It's unlikely that you'll get caught up in the drama as its just not your way, but don't give up either. Listen to your instincts about who can be trusted, and focus on achieving your goals with their support.

Today is a day for focusing on your vocation in life, and on finding a career which will bring emotional as well as intellectual satisfaction. It's unlikely that you are concerned with material success or social status, and it can take the time to find a career which is truly fulfilling. Make sure that you take an unconventional approach, as the mainstream is never a comfortable place for you.

It's likely that you can balance your intellect with your intuition today, giving you a deeper level of understanding which comes from life experience as well as book learning. This can be very powerful if you follow a spiritual path, giving you a strong connection to life's mysteries and to your role in the greater pattern.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for October 2017Horoscope for Yesterday October 20 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow October 22 2017