Horoscope for May 14 2017
Today's astrological transits bring us the moon moving out of Sagittarius into the mighty sign of Capricorn. This can be a very productive day for many where romance may take a backseat. You can power through as much work as possible. Today's main focus - career, finances, and structure! Be careful for headaches in the late afternoon as the moon squares Venus in Aries.

Today is a day to grit and bare it! Get as much done and accomplished as possible. Romance can be best expressed by going on a long hike, bike ride, or road trip with your partner or family. Outdoor activities are emphasized. Sporting events might be the perfect thing to attend or competitions. You are in a highly achieving position today, so seize the day and keep it going! You will feel great for doing so!

This is an excellent energy for your earthy sign! You might love going for a long walk or hike today, or spending time with nature lovers. This is a great time to spend with your pets or volunteer at a shelter if you're an animal lover. Large family outings are encouraged as well. Spend time with those you love, the entire day is yours for the picking!

You have your sights high, soar and let today's momentum keep you going! This is a great day to work hard on a project or hobby you truly enjoy. Travel is a great possibility for today, and endurance activities. Spend time with close friends and family, and combining financial assets for some. Marriage is a possibility at this time or attending a wedding. Family is a great possibility as well - new family members and childbirth.

This is a great day to nurture and be nurtured. Family values are expressed best through attending spiritual outings or cultural events. Catering might be a possibility for some. Open your mind to your gifts, you are truly working on a great cycle of growth for yourself. Red is your power color, embrace the passion!

There might be a bit of difficulty with the energy of this moon today. Mainly in the realms of feeling restricted for those with low earth energy in their astrology charts. The moon can be quite intense, and seem too cold in nature. If people around you are acting distant and rude, add a little bright to your day through personal activities that feed your soul. You will get so much accomplished solo today! A great day to get that music playing and go for a run!

You are going to enjoy today! Lots of tedious work. Getting every errand accomplished on your list and feeling happy in your activities. Enjoying a nice mix between work and family will be a great time to spend your day. Try not to neglect loved ones, include them in your daily events if possible. Devotion is the key word for today!

Today may feel a bit restrictive in your flow today. The best day is to work on your physicality through gentle activities such as yoga or dancing. Music is another great aspect to enjoy today. You might be a bit on overdrive today so keep things as balanced as possible. It might prove to be one of those days that does not end! Yellow is your power color for today!

Enjoy the intensity of the day. That's what keeps you motivated. It will be a great day to accomplish as many tasks as possible and might feel like you are doing them all at once. Make the plans that need to be made, schedule what needs to be scheduled, and get those do-it-yourself projects moving! You might delight in all of this. Have a reward at the end of the day for all of your awesomeness, you rock! Coffee is your power liquid for today!

You got this, you set up something yesterday that might take on a life of it's own today. Dance through the situation with a smile on your face. Romance would actually be a great way to spend your day, especially if your partner is your exact opposite! Discover a historical site or go on an adventure that can also incorporate an educational component. Military projects are emphasized at this time. A great time to communicate with people you haven't spoken to in many years.

Today is your day! You can accomplish anything at this time! Work hard and play harder, try to include as many as possible. However, also enjoy a balance with some alone time as well. Pretty much anything you set your sights on will be accomplished today. Eat well, sleep well. You might fall asleep quickly tonight! Have fun! Your power colors are Brown and Earth Tones!

If you are feeling a bit neglected today, know that this is kind of the theme for many. Spend time with a Cancer or Capricorn, they will make you feel a bit more loved and cared for. This is a great day to break bread with your community and do some volunteer work or attend a spiritual event. It's not that you're the one being left out intentionally, it's just they are a workaholic! Find your own happy time, and really nurture yourself!

There is a great meaning to all of the work you've been doing. Whether it's inner work or a particular project you've been pouring your energy into. Watch out for little colds and illnesses at this time. Take great care of your feet. Care for yourself in a gentle way today. Work and career are on your mind, however, you might feel like you are putting in a lot of time for little reward. You deserve the best, especially if you are giving it your all! Green is your power color for today!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for May 2017Horoscope for Yesterday May 13 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow May 15 2017