Horoscope for March 2 2015
Position of planet at the beginning of the day will enforce your intuition and desire for pleasant time-spending. This time is favorable for visiting of friends or spending of time in good company. This time is also favorable for cosmetic procedures (including dyeing or permanent wave of hair) and shopping.

Aries - effectiveness of your efforts today fully depends on your emotional state. Don't forget: this day is designated for solution of very difficult tasks. If you decided to have calm day, most likely your calmness will be destroyed by force-majeure. But, anyway, stars promise - everything will be fine. But your openness could be an obstacle. Don't tell anybody about your plans. Use your intuition or suggests of an old friend.

Taurus - Severity of your partner most likely is just for show. Never mind about his taciturnity and detachment. If he really loves and prices you, he will never betray you. But today better keep the distance, established by him. Desire of communication you could satisfy with other friends. Probably, today you'll meet old friends or your previous love (if you married not first time).

While people have a rest, Gemini could be involved into solution of endless chain of troubles. But today, probably, you'll be severely limited by health's state (follow the day's regime or medical procedures). If you are full of strength, be ready to perform an obligation for people, who more weak than you. But don't limit your help by suggests. If your duty is help to somebody - do it by word and deed. This day pay more attention to your home pet.

Cansers will feel desire for deep and serious relations. Somebody ready to show their feeling and to be initiative, others are tuned to wait such kind of demonstrations from their partners. Romance will be long only in case if partners will keep mutual faithfulness and will have similar points of view and hobbies.

Sexual desire will play important role today, thought you should keep it under control. While choosing your clothes this morning, try to combine romanticism with some conservatism. Also it could be very interesting combination of classical style with gothic. If you want to seduce somebody - add some erotic notes to your clothes.

There is high possibility of meeting with new people today. But don't forget - this time you'll have very emotional influence to people around and they, in they turn, will have more strong influence to your mood. Evening is recommended for family matters. At this time your concentration increases and this is suitable for small homework.

Stars suggest them to be more self-confident and calm. In some questions Libra are wasteful at the moment, but anyway, reasonable restraint is still baseline of their monetary politics. Follow your plans: for example today you could realize some of your old ideas. Probably you'll economize your charges in order to by something really valuable. Pay more attention to quality of your purchasing. At this time you could successfully use some used things.

Today Scorpio will be a favourite of Faith. You'll be very successful in love and productive in creative work. But it will be very difficult to recognize your soft heart under your principal stand, severity and acrimoniousness, if you'll not thaw out. Avoid rigidity and masochistic tendency, which are peculiars to some Scorpio. Be more soft and sweet with your beloved person, children, partners and parents.

Sagittariuses could find themselves ruled by old bad habit, old idea or unpleasant memories. Somebody from relatives could remind you about old faults or sins. Keep calm and be positive even if sadness is trying to overwhelm you. Probably you'll have fun in being alone today, but stars suggest you to avoid loneliness. Find a man, who is open for heart-to-heart talk. People, who are elder and more experienced, will understand you in better way.

Capricorns today will be free from any kind of stress; you'll be able to manage your time and means. But you could reflect on past and future and also could be prisoned by high emotional tensity. The main reason of your disturbance - current state of your relations and perspectives, connected with it. Don't give up to despondency.

Aquarians should be ready for suppress from some people or circumstances. Probably, you'll have some misunderstanding with your parents, with elder generation or peace officers. Find the way, how to let steam off. Probably, the best way will be going for the shopping. Don't work too hard; your abilities are very limited today.

This day will be very harmonious for Pisces, but will demand on discipline, self-control and orderliness. Foresight and following the traditions also could be necessary in communication with elderly people, and foreigners. If you're believer, probably you should visit the church today.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for March 2015Horoscope for Yesterday March 1 2015
Horoscope for Tomorrow March 3 2015